Breaking Point

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Deku's POV

     It had been one hell of a life, and honestly I'm glad it's almost over. For once in my life, I felt free. Free from depression, free from the torment, free from the constant weight that sat on my shoulders. It felt like I had been living in a pressure cooker all my life, and only now have I been released. I looked up, as I plummeted towards the pavement below, watching everything in slow motion. I couldn't help, but think about what led me here.

    My name is Izuku Midoriya, and I am quirkless. Now that I think about it, it wasn't always that bad. At least it wasn't that bad before I found out I was quirkless. You see, in the world that we live in, the world revolves around quirks. The super human abilities, that 80% of the population are born with. Unfortunately, I fall into the 20% who don't have one. In a world full of power, I am powerless, and because of that, my life is worthless.

     Through out my life, I've been beaten, and isolated. The only people I had left, were my mother, and a childhood friend. In the end, they would of left me too. Hell, my "friend" finally decided to take out the trash, and threw me away.

  "Go take a swan dive off the roof..." She said.

'Fine by me.' I thought.

Finally, after what felt like eternity, I hit the pavement with a satisfying crunch. As everything faded to black, I couldn't help but smile. I was finally free...

3rd Person POV

A blonde girl, and her lackeys were walking towards the exit of the school building, talking along the way.

   "Don't you think we were a little too hard on the bastard?" Asked one of them.

   "Tch...The stupid Deku gots to get it through his fucking brain. He can't be a hero without a quirk, and honestly I'm doing him a favor." Said the girl

    "What if the bastard takes your advice? Wouldn't that bite you in the ass?" Said lackey number 2

"There's no way in hell the Deku would jump, he's too much of a fucking coward to do so. Besides, only reason I said that was to keep him safe. The bastard would of died trying to take the exam." She said, trying reassure herself more than anyone.

    "I've heard of tough love, but that's on a whole other level" joked lackey 1

They walked out the door to find the Deku crouched over a crushed body, mumbling to himself.

The trio stood there in shock, before the girl started to move forward to see the victim. As she approached the corpse, the greenette started to laugh maniacally. When she was in view of the body, she couldn't suppress a gasp. Laying there was the Deku, but the Deku was crouched right in front of her.

'What the fuck is going on?' She thought.

Deku's POV

What kind of sick, fucking joke is this? Why the hell am I still alive? Why am I still here? Just to suffer?

After I had hit the pavement, everything had faded to black, only for me to pop back into existence. Now I'm here, staring at my corpse, while it's glassy eyes stare back.

'Take a swan dive off the roof, and maybe you'll get a quirk in your next life...' Echoed through my head

I felt something shatter inside me. I knew I was broken, but it looks like whatever was left in there is gone. Before I realized what was happening, I was laughing my ass off. To others, it might have looked like I lost my mind,  maybe they're right; but to me, I found it fucking hilarious. I wanted a quirk so bad, but all I had to do, was take everyone's advice and kill myself. Had I done it sooner, I would of found out earlier.

  The sound of a gasp, grabs my attention, shaking me from my laughter. I turn to find the bitch of a childhood friend of mine. Katsuki Bakugou. The annoying little shit, who pushed me over the edge... To be fair, I should thank her, I wouldn't have found out about my quirk hadn't she told me to jump off the roof.

  "Well kaachan, looks like you were right. If I wanted a quirk, all I had to do was take a dive off the roof." I said with a smile.

  "Izuku...why the hell-

  "Oh fuck off, cutting board-chan. You already fucking know." I spat, cutting this stupid flat bitch off.

"Hell, all you fuckers know why. 'Let's pick on the quirkless kid. If he kills himself, it won't matter. He's fucking useless to society.'" I shouted at the slowly gathering crowd, mocking every last one of them.

I turned around, and grabbed my smashed corpse by the collar, holding it up for all to see.

"Congratu-Fucking-lations, you fuckers killed him!" I started to shout maniacally, before dropping the corpse at the bitch's feet.

I stared at the crowd, looking at each of their faces. Not a single one, would look me in the eye. Every eye faced the ground in shame, and pity.


"Shut the hell up, I don't want your fucking apologies."

I looked the bitch dead in the eyes, before she started to look away. After a minute, whispers start to spread amongst the gathered crowd. I turned to them, only to see them pointing at my feet. I looked to find my corpse slowly turning into dust. (Imagine Infinity war when half of all life got dusted)

I started to chuckle, as I walked away. "Y'all fuckers, are lucky that the evidence is gone, or you would of had fun explaining this shit in court." I shouted back.

'Now, what should I name my quirk?' I thought, as I stared at the reader.

  What? You didn't think I could see you? I know you're there, either that or I'm insane... Either way, this power needs a name.

Yo. Thanks for reading this shit show. This is my first time trying to write something like this, so bare with me. There's definitely some grammar mistakes everywhere in this. I'll probably give myself shit about it later. Mahalo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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