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Miley smiled when she saw Nick walking down the stairs while wearing his school uniform. Nick started walking towards Miley then when he did he kissed Miley's cheek. 

Miley was wearing a black top that shows her tan and skinny stomach with a short short with long black leather boots. 

"Good Morning babe" Nick said with a smile. 

"Did you study for your history test last night?" Miley asked as she cooks breakfast. 

"Um," Nick started saying then he lies "Yeah babe and I think i'll be getting an A++ today" Nick said. 

Miley doesn't go to school now because she's already done. She was 2 years old when she first started pre-school and then she finished college at the age of 23. Nick is still in school because he doesn't take it seriously and repeated the 8th grade and 11th grade. He repeated the 11th grade because that's when Miley transfered to where Nick is studying then he got distracted but right now Nick is 25 years old. 

"Good because if you did? I have a suprise for you" Miley said with a smile as she turned the stove off. 

Miley turned out and starts placing some food in Nick's plate. Nick sat down and started eating. 

"Really? What kind of suprise?" Nick asked as he started eating. 

"If I tell you then it wouldn't be a suprise anymore right?" Miley said then she giggled and started eating too. 

After they ate. Nick stood up and washed his and Miley's plate. After he was done he turned around and wrapped his arms around Miley's waist. 

"Babe?" he asked. 

"Yeah?" Miley said as she took a sip in her coffee. 

"I love you" Nick said then Miley turned around and blushed. 

Miley looked up at Nick with a huge smile on her face. "I love you too" she said then Nick leaned down for a kiss. 

His lips touched hers they started moving in sync. Nick started remembering all of their memories together and especially their marriage. 

Yes, you heard me right. They're married for 3 years now. 

Miley opened her eyes while she was still kissing Nick then her eyes widen when she saw that it was quarter to 8 which means Nick's going to be late. Again. 

Miley pushed Nick away while they we're both breathing heavily. 

"What's wrong babe?" Nick asked, confused. 

"It's quarter to 8 which means you only have 15 minutes to get to class!" Miley said as she ran upstairs to get her bag. 

After she got her bag and her and Nick's sunglasses. She raced down the stairs then she gave Nick his sunglasses and grabbed his hand. Nick opened the door then he got pulled by Miley. 

Miley ran to Nick's black lamborghini then Miley gave Nick the keys and then they both got in. 

Nick drove to Sea View High then he saw that he still have 10 minutes before class.

"Oh good thing that we made it" Miley said with a smile then they both got out of the car. 

Every boy student was looking at Miley while every girl student was looking at Nick. 

Miley closed the car door then she walked over to Nick with a smile. Nick smiled when she reached him. "Now you be a good boy alright?" Miley said with a smile. 

Nick nodded. "Always" he said then he chuckled. 

Nick pressed Miley back on the car door where the drivers seat is. Nick leaned down to kiss her. 

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