Some... (anglais/english)

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Somebody change the world...

And gived me the worst...



Some memories at one place....

All memories in one place...



Someday I will be the person that I was supposed to be....

But at what price...?

One day...

When I'll see the death...

This day...

Will show me how much...


I was the mistake in this world...

The problem in our life...

I ruined all...

And when I'll wake up from this fake happiness that I play around people...

Everyone will love me...!

But no one will like me...

Born for pain, yeah...

It's kind of sad...

But you'll still here...

To tell me...

That I don't deserve mercy...

Like I even want it?

Funny ,no?

Everybody want my dead body...

And me too...!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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