Ive been off..(Remy and Ghost)

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Hello. I still do not know what is happening but this time I'm prepared for attack while making sure nobody else gets hurt in process. I've learned that the laughing jack dream was probably a memory so yesterday was when he was coming to me and not today. I have a feeling they want to traumatize me but so far it hasn't worked. I don't have many fears, unless you count getting hurt by someone I trust. If BEN is reading this then keep your little goblin mouth shut you piece of trash I don't want anything to handle more than you all already do to me. I haven't slept well in a while, by that I mean I've been staying up each night despite my parents saying not to. I can't help it anymore I feel more calm and put together at night than day. I don't know how much longer I can last on writing these with my phone and computer acting up, getting the slender sickness, and all sorts of other issues. My friends barely even care that I'm there as long as I don't run off. I bet that if I did they would look for me and then give up. I wouldn't care much anymore. What happened to the old Jax though? She used to be so kind hearted and told people what they did wrong and now all we have is a kid with insecurities and will tell off a ghost that could kill them right then and there. I'm still the Jax you know I've just been off today..I'll write in the morning when I get the chance!

Remy and Ghost

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