/1/ {Returning home}

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Its been a year since you last saw the Rogers family, you moved from your home town for college and you were finally going home.

You couldn't wait to see your best friend Lyra, you've been wondering what she's been up to, She hasn't talked to you for a few months now, neither has Toby her little brother.

He always liked talking to you, you were the only person besides his family that would talk to him. Before he started homeschooling he never had any friends, instead everyone would bully him for his conditions and call him cruel names like Ticci Toby. You felt sympathy for him.

Little did you know the place that you once called home wasn't so welcoming anymore, because of the little bastard you considered a brother.


You're in your car driving down the long empty road, surrounded by forest. Boxes in the back, the smell of wet grass filling the air, you were home.  As you drive into the small town people stop to watch your car drive by, people never come to town that much anymore.

You bop your head to the song playing on the radio as you pull into the driveway of your dads house. You quickly get out of your car to be greeted by your fathers warm embrace.

"I missed you kid" Your fathers deep and stern voice softens for a moment.

You smile and hug him back. "I missed you to dad" You say with a cheerful tone in your voice.

Your feet meet the ground again. He clears his throat pops the trunk taking boxes from the back and walks inside. You grab some boxes and walk inside following behind him. He walks into your old room and sets the boxes on your bed, it looks exactly like how you left it.

Your dad clears his throat, you turn your attention towards him.

"um uh, make yourself at home" He says awkwardly, nodding to himself while looking around the room then leaves.

You plop down on your bed sighing. Tomorrow you're gonna go see Lyra and Toby, you couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see you're finally home. You get up and walk over to the boxes and start unpacking, this was gonna be a busy week.

After you finish unpacking you lay on your bed groaning ready to go to sleep. The sooner you went to bed the sooner you could see Lyra and Toby. Your eyes start to get heavy,  and you soon fall asleep.


The next day when you awaken you spend no time at all and get up, once you've showered and got dressed you go downstairs, slip your converse on and open the door. Your dad walks out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand, he leans against the wall.

"where are you going?" He asks.

"to Lyra's house, why?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

His face goes pale as he takes a sip from his coffee mug, swallowing hard. "um, we need to talk Y/n, it's about Lyra" He suddenly looks really stressed.

"okay.." You shut the door and he gently takes your arm leading you to the kitchen table, sitting you down. He sits down across from you and exhales slowly.

There's a long pause before he speaks again, he sets the mug down on the table and sighs.

"Lyra got in a car accident 3 months ago," he pauses. "And, she didn't survive" He looks at you, his jaw clenches.

You take a moment to let this sink in, tears form in your eyes, you quickly stand up.

"where are you going" He says questioningly.

"I have to go see Toby, he must be in so much pain" Your about to walk away but your dad grabs your arm before you can.

"Y/n I wasn't finished, Toby isn't at home anymore." He says sternly, his eyes look full of hatred.

"he-he didn't-" You stutter out, your father cuts you off.

"he went insane, he killed his father then went running around town burning everything down. He set a forest fire kid and they haven't found the body" His hand tightens around the mug.

There's another long pause before either of you says anything. The vibe in the room has turned completely miserable. Tears rolling down your cheeks.

"why didn't you tell me sooner" You sound hurt and broken, It felt like someone put a sword through your chest. 

"I was going to, I just couldn't. I didn't want you to worry or feel hurt, you were having such a good time in college" He nods to himself.

You get up and leave, leaving your dad there. He sighs and takes another sip from his mug. 

It's raining outside, but you don't care you wanted to see the rogers house for yourself so you ran there. Besides their house wasn't far from yours.

You stop in front of the house, it's burned down almost nothing left of it. Your childhood, memories, second family, your home away from home all of it just gone. No warning. It starts to rain harder, a melancholy vibe filling the air. You couldn't bare this. You wanted this to be a dream. This had to have been a dream.

After a few minutes you get the feeling you're being watched. You look around but don't see anyone. Suddenly your dad honks at you, making you jump.

"come on kid lets go home and watch a movie or something" He says while rolling down the window.

You stare at him for a moment then back at the now burnt down house, sighing you walk over to your dads truck and get in. Water trickles down your face, you cant tell if you're crying or not anymore.


You walk inside a towel draped over your shoulders, your once dry body now shivering and wet. You take your shoes off and go upstairs to change. You kick your door open and stare in your mirror for a few seconds. Tears starting to form in your eyes again.

The towel drops to the floor along with your clothes, you get into some warm and comfy clothes, sniffling every once in awhile, you lay down and cuddle a pillow.

Why would Toby do this? Why did Lyra have to die? Why didn't your dad just tell you sooner? Why? You had so many questions in that moment that you didn't even notice you still felt like you were being watched. And that there was someone standing across the street looking up at your window.


"wel-welcome home, Y/n"

Sorry the chapters kinda short, the first one's usually are but tell me if I should continue it, I know im enjoying it have a good week!! - Author✨

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