Chapter 1

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Akagi POV

I walked into Inarizaki High School feeling exhausted. The reason for me being incredibly tired is because I had to stay up late studying for a test I had to take today.

I was later than usual for morning practice so I might have to run extra laps which I wasn't looking forward to. I arrived at the club room, put all my stuff away in my locker, and got changed into my gym clothes.

After about 5 minutes I head to the gym where I see everyone warming up.

"Akagi you're late! 3 laps and then get to warming up!" I hear Coach yell.

I start running my laps, once I finish I join the rest of my team to stretch.

{5 minutes later}

After we finish stretching the Coach gathers everyone up to tell us some news.

"During afternoon practice we will be having a practice match against another school! So I  want you all to do your best and show them that we are worth their time!" He says.

"HAI!" We all yell in unison.

We then start setting up the net and other stuff so we can play a game.

{After morning practice ends}

Once morning practice ends and we're done cleaning up, we all head to the club room to get change for school.

"Who do you think we'll be playing against?" Tsumu Asks.

"Maybe Karasuno," Suna says.

"Hopefully! Then I could see Shoyo-kun!" Atsumu says.

"What about Itachiyama?" Kosaku asks.

"I hope we don't go against them," I say.

"Why is that Akagi?" Kita asks.

"They literally are the best of the best," I say putting on my jacket.

"They scare me..." Riseki says.

"Ooh! Then I would be able to see Omi!" Atsumu exclaims.

"Who's Omi?" Osamu asks in a frightening tone.

"H-He's just a friend I met at the all youth training camp!"

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, number 10 and Itachiyama's ace," Suna said with a smug look.

"Sunarin!" Atsumu yelled, probably feeling betrayed.

"Did I mention someone in particular has a liking to Sakusa Kiyoomi too?" Sunaadded, with a satisfied look.

"Well I'm off to my class. Bye!" Suna says walking away.

"So... About this Sakusa Kiyoomi guy," Osamu says in a rather frightening tone.

"Yeah about that- Sunarin, wait up!" Atsumu says, running out of the club room.

"Oh no you don't! Atsumu, get back here!" Osamu yells running after his twin brother.


"We should get heading to our classes now," Kita exclaimed as he closed his locker, ready to leave for his class.

"Right behind you," I say, slinging my bag across my shoulder and closing my locker.

Me and Kita walk to the main building wher our classes are. We have a small conversation but eventually we reach his classroom.

"See you after class Akagi,"  Kita says while waving to me and  walking into his classroom.

"Bye Kita!" I say while I continue walking to mine.

Once I arrive at my class I take a seat at the back of the class by the window, staring off into the distance.

{After class}

The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. I packed up all my belongings and walked out of my class, heading to class 3-7. I see Kita walking out of his classroom and wave at me. We both head to the cafeteria to get our lunches. We get our lunches and spot the team sitting at a table. We walk over and greet everyone and start chatting.

About 10 mintues later I rose from my seat to hand in my lunch tray, bag already around my shoulder. As I do so Kita, Atsumu, Suna and Gijnima do the same.

We exit the building and head outside to a grassy area.

"Where should we sit today?" I ask.

" It is rather sunny today so maybe under a tree to provide shade," Kita says.

"That's a good idea, let's do that," Ginjima  says, agreeing

We find a tree that's on a small hill and decide to sit there.

We talk for a while until we hear the bell that tells us to clean up and head to class.

"Wow, time flew by fast!" Atsumu says rather surprised as we head into the building to get to our classes.

"Lunch is only 45 minutes," Ginjima says.

"Well me and Gin gotta head to class! We don't wanna be late again..." Atsumu says while walking ahead.

"Bad times..." Ginjima says, shivering a little just remembering something.

"Well see you guys later!" I say.

We all head our separate ways, expecting this to be a normal and easy day. Oh how wrong we were.

I will be gradually re-writing these chapters. It might take a bit since I'll most likely only have time on weekends to write due to me having to focus more on school. -Author

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