6. 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝

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recommend reading with song

'This can't be happening can it?'

The alcohol in your system fading away as you fully take in your situation. Your breathing gets faster and you feel a little light headed.

Soft lips barely graze yours. Pools of red that slowly dim darker stare hazily into yours. Your hyper aware of the fronts of your bodies touching. Your nerves are set ablaze as Kirishima brushes his fingertips plainly slow up your arms. His hand takes a hold of your cheek.

Your eyes close as you bask in the warmth of his hand. You feel his thumb gently pull on your bottom lip, letting it bounce back into place. You look through you lashes to see his facial expression.

His face held a mix of hunger and struggle. He looked as if he was holding back from something. Something you desperately wanted him to release. You were brought back into focus as you felt the cool breeze of his breath fanning over your aching lips.

If one of you leaned forward slightly, your lips would have touched. But you both held back, staying incredibly close to one another. Feeling a little awkward just standing there, you raise your hands to his clothed chest to get more of a feel.

'Whoah....this man is built'

"Eijiro.......what are we doing" you panted out.

"I......I don't know..........but I don't really wanna stop"

He places a hand on the car behind you and pushes all of his body weight on you. You were now trapped in his arms. Though, you didn't really mind. The tension was getting thicker by the second between you two. He leaned closer into your ear, sharp teeth accidentally grazing the shell of your ear. Your thighs squeezed tight as he spoke in such a dark, husky voice.

"Y/N, I'm........I'm sorry but I can't. Your drunk and I don't wanna take advantage of you"


You shake your head of the impure thoughts that were screaming at you. You made a mental note to bathe in some holy water when you got home.

He pulls away and takes your hand to walk you over to the passenger side of the car. Opening your door, he gestures for you to get in.

"Your intoxicated right now and I wouldn't feel right letting you drive home how you are. It wouldn't be manly. Let me take you home."

You nod and hand him your car keys. Your felt your cheeks warm at how sweet is was being, wanting to driving you home. He gets in and adjusts your seat and mirrors. He's just so huge, he needs more room then your original car settings were set at.

You bite your lip discretely while watching him put his seat belt on. You eye how his exposed muscles flex while moving. You have a sudden urge to grip his huge bicep. Your eyes trail down his torso, mentally picturing your hands running down his well defined abs. Your eyes then shift to his broad chest. His pecs looked perky and his nipples slightly stiff from the cool air. You wondered what it would be like to flick your tongue over them. Trying to peel your eyes away from his body, you look at the steering wheel he was holding. His giant hands gripped the wheel steady. Your eyes followed the subtle veins popping out his hands. Damn were his hands sexy. His everything was sexy.

'Why is this man so damn attractive. And now I have to be in an enclosed space alone with him? I need to keep my ovaries in check' 

You jump when he puts his hand on the top of the seat which was right beside your head. He didn't see your reaction as he looked back to reverse out of the parking lot. You tell him the directions to your house as you drove. He pulls up into your drive way after a few minutes and a few missed turns.

𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 , 𝐞. 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚Where stories live. Discover now