Chapter 3: The Birthday Party

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Once Rocky arrived, everything was a mess.

"What in the hell did I miss?"

"Hell Phoenix." Corrana panted.

"Again? God the bitch is horrendous."

"We just get here and this is what happens?" Pandora's voice echoed from the doorway.

Rocky turned her head back and kindly waved at Pandora and the brothers, she turned back to Corrana who was watching with her, as Freed calls them, "shipper eyes". Rocky ignored the glimmer in Corrana's eyes and proceeded to sit down with Natsu and Lucy.

"Rox!" Lucy exclaimed, "Glad you could make it!"

Rocky smiled and noticed the blonde had a small bump, the violet woman's eyes widened as she congratulated the couple.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, you look a little paler than usual." Lucy added.

"I'm fine." Rocky swallowed, "Probably just tired."

But she wasn't, as she suddenly stood up, excusing herself, and slowly making her way out of the guild hall. But someone stopped her.

"You just got here, where are you going?" he asked her.

She looked up at the brunet man, pleading with her eyes to let her go, but he refused, in fact, he grabbed her shoulders and held her in place.

"Something's up with you."

She forced herself out of his grip, walking out of the guild hall. He watched and got curious, following after her.

"Rocky?" he called when he couldn't see her.

The sounds of screaming caught his ears, he ran in the direction of the chaos, only to stumble upon a massacre no human could ever attempt.

Before he could start investigating, he saw Rocky emerge. The heiress covered in blood, a look in her eye that Sam was terrified of.

"Rocky?" he called out, cautious of his footsteps.

As he looked at her, he slowly realized that the woman he was looking at was not the woman he met before, something felt off, like there was someone else there.

For a moment, Rocky regained control, "You need to go! Please!"

"What happened? What's going on?"

"I don't have time, Winchester, she's gonna hurt you!" she forced down her arm, "Go back to the guild! Tell Corrana what's happening, hurry!"

The man didn't have time to speak as Rocky lost control, lunging at him with that same unfamiliar look in her eyes. He dodged her, debating on whether or not to shoot the woman to give him time to get back to the guild. Before he could pull his gun from the holster, Rocky hit the ground.

Cautiously, he approached, Ruby's knife drawn instead of his gun. The lack of movement from the violet haired woman was making the brunet anxious, then he noticed it.

A large purple star on her back, Sam wasn't sure if it was a tattoo or a birthmark, seeing as it was a strange thing to have on one's body.

"Maybe I can ask someone about that." he thought to himself.

The heiress stirred, the hunter knelt down. With his unarmed hand, he gently placed it on her shoulder.

"Rocky?" he gently called out to her, not daring to shake her.

A muffled grunt was all he got in response, as the heiress slowly sat herself up. Her eyes still closed, tears gently slipping down her cheeks.

Sam didn't know what to do or say. He sat next to her, hands in his lap; eyes drawing every rune on Ruby's knife.

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