50 Shades Of Grey Valentines Day 2015

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Songs are :

Ellie Goulding Love Me Like You Do 

Anastasia's Pov .... 

My eyes open and a grin spreads across my face, as the smell of Pancakes invade my senses. My eyes meet my beautiful bastard of a husband stood there at the bottom of the bed, a white tray with Pancakes a single rose and Pink Champagne.

" Mr's Grey " I take in his clothing, those! jeans hanging from his hips stood there shirtless.  My stomach constricts. 

Putting on my most innocent voice, I purposely bite my lip and bat my eyes " Mr Grey " I practically see the switch in his eyes, he's ready so am I.

" Happy Valentines baby " He says kissing me and my hands straddle his bare chest I moan into the kiss and he bites my lip 

" Christian please " I beg and he climbs on top of me holding my arms above my head. My heart rate has increased rapidly and is hammering against my rib cage. Adrenaline coursing through me as the wetness gathers between my legs. 

" Always so ready for me " He says and his fingers travel down the hem of my red lace pants. 

" We wont be needing these " He says as my $100 red lace pants disintegrate 

" This Is Mine " He says sliding a finger inside my pussy, making my head roll back from the pleasure.  

I lift my head my lips just hovering inches from his, as he still has my arms pinned down and I lick his lips with my tongue. He violently kisses me and releases my arms and I rake my newly manicured nails down his back leaving mark I'm sure.

" Fuck do that again " He instructs and I do it again applying more pressure, and with that it's on. He flips me over and slams into, me making me moan as he claims me in only the way he can.

He thrusts into me and the pleasure I receive is heavenly.  I know that if he keeps at this pace I won't last long my hands grip the sheets as I come undone. With soft moans of his name and he follows suit shortly after

We lay in our heavenly bliss as I come back to reality.

" Happy Valentines day Mr Grey " I say as his thumb unhooks my lip 

" Bite your lip again Mr's Grey and I will fuck that smart mouth of yours " He says as his laughter fills the room, its like music to my ears. 

So I bite my lip again he tries to grab me, as I jump from the bed laughing his eyes take in the sight, and the floor show I am putting on for his eyes only. As I walk and retrieve my red robe purposely doing everything in slow motion to torture him.

" You're awfully fiery today Mrs Grey what shall we do about that " He says as I slide the red robe around my naked body.

" Teach me a lesson " I say and pick up the Champagne flute bringing it to my lips 

He pulls me by my red robe string and I land on the bed his mouth claims mine in only the way he can.

and soon we are going at it again..

2 Hours Later .......... 

We arrive at the surprise Christian has arranged for Valentines day.

" Can I take it off yet " I moan about the blindfold covering my eyes these games are surly meant for the red room 

" Yes " He replies and takes it off my eyes and the sight in front of me is breath taking 

" Wow " I smile at my husband and hug him 

We are at the top of a mountain, and there is a view over all the city. We walk and sit down on a table littered with red and white roses champagne and various selection of foods 

" Thank you it's Beautiful " I say tucking my hair behind my ear 

" You're welcome baby " Christian says showing me an all white toothed smile 

After we have boarded Charlie Tango back to our house Christian carries me through the threshold

I am sat in our living room and he enters with Those jeans on my pulse instantly quickens 

" What ? " He asks at me grinning at him 

" I thought you had lost your touch " I say and he laughs and I know what's coming next 

The Red Room ...... 

I am sitting on the floor my hair in braids and he enters " Beautiful " he exclaims as I don't look at him but my heart is beating rapidly. As much as we have done this stuff it never get's old to me, it feels exactly like it did the very first time. 

" Stand up " He instructs and I do so 

he instructs me to bend over the bed, I do he lightly spanks me as the pleasure travels through me. Soon I feel the sting of the whip lightly against me flesh. He flips me over and blindfolds me I feel something traveling down my body and I pull against my restraints

" you are been a bad girl Ana " He says and my breath hitches 

" Please " I beg and I feel the whip ? lightly lash my stomach but  hold in the moan cause honestly its all pleasure anyway. 

Soon I feel a spiking object prickling over my skin " More ? " Christian offers and I can barley breath, the pain mixed with pleasure, mixed with my love for this man are over whelming " YYes"  I pant and he applies more pressure.

Soon Vanilla Ice cream is been poured over my naked body. and he licks it off " Mmm " He says and his tongue travels to my spot and circles and soon I am taken over by pure pleasure moaning his name as I come undone.

We shower and when I return to our bedroom there is 5 new sets of racy pants and bras there.

I slip into the Black lace ones as Christian enters the room just a white towel and his hair wet

" Happy Valentines Day Mr's Grey " 

" Happy Valentines Grey Mr Grey " 

And soon we are at it again the black lace pants discarded on the bed room floor.


Authors Note... 

Happy Valentines day people so I wrote this on Valentines day 2015 to idk lol show what I assume Christian and Ana would be doing hope you like xo Nate 

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