Part 2

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Elizabeth POV

We got off the ship and Meliodas lead me through the city. There were children playing, shops, pastries being made, and so much more to take in. 

"You know the Major would love that bakery stand" I sigh to myself. Meliodas laughs a bit "Tell me about it" he says putting his hands in his pocket. 

"So Elizabeth, what did the Major also say about me" he asks. I think for a moment, "Well he told me that you were short" I say not making eye contact with him. 

"Is that so?" he sighed. He seemed a bit sad. "Well, its nothing to be ashamed of. Yuta was one of our best fighters and he was only 5'1". You should of seen the look on the other sides faces" I smile a bit. 

We walked into a small building. "You will be working here till you are fully recovered. It is a place were you will organize letters and help people write letters." he informs me. 

"I understand" I tell him. A man with orange hair welcomes us in and shows us around. He taught me what I was suppose to do and eventually they both left me in the small room.

I started filing the papers and it was pretty easy.

I wonder when I am able to go out there again.   

I do hope the major is okay, I just felt so strange around him. 

It was a few hours later till they both came back. The orange haired mans face paled. "Your finished already?" he asked. I nodded, "It was a simple task, you can check on it if you want sir" I say blankly and calmly. 

He nods and goes to check over everything.

"Its all perfect, how did you-" I cut him off.

"Its what I was trained to do. The old major didn't take anything expect perfection" I sigh.

They both look at each other then me. "You will now work here" he smiled. 

"But what abo-" Meliodas cut me off. "Until you heal fully you need to take a break and work up to it" he says with a hint of authority in his voice. 

"Yes sir" I reply.

"Good, good" he nods. "Now Elizabeth, you will be staying with me. I think I should show you around Danfor and then we can eat and rest" he adds. I nod, "goodbye" I redhead man waves. "goodbye" I reply. 

Once we walk out we headed all around.

"Meliodas, who is that man you were with?" I ask. "Oh that's Arthur, we have know each other for a very long time and have a close bond" he smiles. "Are you lovers?" I ask. He stops and looks at me with his mouth open.

"Nishhi~" he snickers. "No, no no. Arthur is like a little brother to me" he sighs. I look at him and give him a small smile.

"That must be nice. Me and the major were like siblings when were growing up" I say. Memories flooded in and it put my mind at peace.

Heya! I got rid of my recent book. I hated it and yeah.

Here is this one I like instead.

Stay safe lovelys,


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