A Long Lost Friend

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    Tanjiro and Nezuko grew up in a small town away from civilization and away from most people. One Day Tanjuro and Tanjiro went down to the town and met this strange girl and two other women. Tanjiro and the strange girl looked at each other and just smiled at each other. Tanjuro asked Tanjiro if he wanted to play with the strange girl and Tanjiro nodded and both of them ran of somewhere to play. A few days later Tanjuro said to the Kamado Fam that they're be moving somewhere else. They all smiled and agreed. 

------------------------------------------------------Time Skip 10 Years-----------------------------------------------

First day of Kimetsu High 


Tanjiro: *half asleep* 1 more minute....... 

Nezuko: *annoyed* NO. *Jumps and Elbows Tanjiro on the stomach* 

Tanjiro: *Now wide awake* AHH! What the.. fine.. I'll get up now...

-----------------------------------------------------Time Skip 30 Minutes---------------------------------------------

At Kimetsu High 

Tanjiro: *amazed* wow this place is big 

Nezuko: *amazed* you're right

Shinobu: *sneaking next to Nezuko* Ah it must be your first day at this high school 

Tanjiro: Yup it's our first day here

Nezuko: *Shocked that Shinbu just appeared out of nowhere* 

Shinbu: Great! Can't Wait to See you Around! 

Tanjiro and Nezuko: *nods* 

-----------------------------------------------------Time Skip 20 Minutes---------------------------------------------

In Homeroom 1

Tanjiro and Nezuko finds seats in the classroom, Tanjiro seats next to a strange person whose hair is yellow and is looking around at the Girls. 

Tanjiro: *whispers* what a strange person...

Guy with yellow hair: *yells and looks at Tanjiro* WHAT DID U JUST SAY ABOUT ME! 

Tanjiro and the rest of the class: *looks at the guy with Yellow hair*

Guy with yellow hair: uhh... sorry

The rest of the class goes back to what they're doing

Tanjiro: uh my name is Tanjiro.. what's your name?

Guy with yellow hair: *sits back down and looks at Tanjiro* oh okay my name is Zenitsu

Tanjiro: *smiles* Nice to meet you Zenitsu 

Tanjiro: *smiles* Nice to meet you Zenitsu 

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Zenitsu: *smiles back* Do you kn--

*dude in Boar mask Rushes in* 

Boar mask: SOMEONE FIGHT ME! *points to Tanjiro* You! you fight me!

Tanjiro: uh no. 

Boar Mask: FIGHT ME!!

Tanjiro: I SAID NO!

Boar mask: fine *sits down next to Tanjiro*

*Teacher walks in the room* 

Teacher: okay sit down. 

*everyone doesn't sit down and just kept on talking* 

Teacher: *hits ruler against blackboard grabbing everyone's attention* I said sit down.

*everyone sits in their seats*

Teacher: okay, I'll be your homeroom and gym teacher for the rest of the school year *points to the board that says "Mr. Tomioka" 

Tomioka: okay everyone I'll take attendance and we'll start the day 

Narator: okay I know I Know, Tomioka doesn't speak a lot but just deal with it OKAY. 

Tomioka: okay when i point to you, state your name. 

*points to Tanjiro* 

Tanjiro: *stands up and says* I AM TANJIRO KAMADO *sits down*

Tomioka: *thinks to himself* Well that was something

*points to Zenitsu*

Zenitsu: *stands up and says* uh I'm Zenitsu *quickly Sits down*

Tomioka: *thinks to himself* umm okay

*points to girl at the corner* 

Girl: *stands up* Hi I'm Kanao Tsuyuri *sits down*

Tanjiro: *thinks to himself* Why do I feel like I know her?

Tomioka: *thinks to himself* She must be Shinbu's little sister. 

*points to Boar Mask* 

Tomioka: Take off the mask!

Boar mask: *takes off mask* I'm Inosuke! NOW FIGHT ME Tomiaka!

Tomioka: no. *thinks to himself* dam what annoying brat.

Tomioka finishes doing the attendance and starts the class

----------------------------------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------------------------------

In the Hallway going to Lunch

Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke walking toward lunch

Tanjiro stuck in thought: Why do i feel like i know Kanao? (TANJIRO) she looks familiar but I can't remember (EARTH TO TANJIRO!) umm I wonder if i know her from somewhere

Zenitsu: *shakes Tanjiro* TANJIRO 

Tanjiro: *shocked* oh sorry I was lost in thought

Zenitsu: I can tell, anyway we're at the cafeteria where do you want to seat? 

Tanjiro: *points to a table* there

*the trio walks to the table* 

They all eat lunch and all went to their next class

----------------------------------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------------------------------

In the Hallway 

Kanao is walking towards her next class but hears a familiar voice

Tanjiro: Kanao! Hey!

Kanao: oh hey Tanjiro

Tanjiro: How are you?

Kanao: I'm good, you? 

Tanjiro: I'm Good too!

Kanao smiles then suddenly faints

Tanjiro: *shocked and quickly catches her, and runs to the nurses room*

I hope u Enjoye! :D 

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