5up x Steve part 2!

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(Warnings: this is fluff but there is kissing and other romantic things in this so if that makes you uncomfy please don't read!)(This was actually a requested part 2! Yay the person who requested was BeforeYouCall and I asked them before hand if they're fine with me adding the name, also if you request you can choose to stay anonymous or not.)

(5up P.OV)

I am so happy, not only did I get Steve to eat healthier and have a better sleep schedule, but I also got a boyfriend. We both agreed earlier on to keep our relationship a secret to get the hang on things and actually figuring out if they would last even after the honeymoon phase passed. And with how much I love Steve and adore being around him? I think we will definitely have a long relationship.

The thing is though, I hate not being able to kiss Steve and hold him whenever I want. Hell I'm barely able to hold Steve's hand without everyone asking 'questions' about our relationship. And I'm starting to suspect that Hafu knows about how intimate mine and Steves relationship is, just by the way she starts to smirk at me when I stare and Steve a bit to long or how she makes sure me and Steve sit together on the couch when we have a movie night. And that's why I decided to go up to Hafu and ask if she figured out our relationship and if she knows how to help me ask Steve if we could make our relationship go public to our friends at least.

I walked up to Hafu who was sitting on the couch in the lounge, watching something on TV by herself. "Hey uh Hafu can me and you have a quick talk please?" I asked and I yelled at myself in my head for sounding so nervous it's only Hafu I reasoned to myself, "sure, what do you want to talk about 5up?" Ok here goes nothing. "Hafu do you know about mine and uh Steve's relationship, and how we're more than friends now?" When I said that Hafu finally looked up at me and she had a smirk on her face "Oh yeah of course I know about yours and Steve's relationship, hell I knew about it from the start when you two were in Steve's bed cuddling!" Hafu looked up at me and waggled her eyebrows at me "you two are so cute together you know!"

I blushed it felt like my whole face turned a beet red, "Uh Thanks Hafu, can I ask you a question please? about mine and Steves relationship it's kinda important to me!" When I said that Hafu looked up at me and she said with a encouraging smile on her face "Sure 5up you can ask me anything, especially if it's troubling you!" Ok she gave me the whole clear so I pretty much spilled my guts to her and talked about what I was feeling and how much I want to make mine and Steve's relationship public but I just don't know how to though. Hafu nodded her head after I was done explaining and had a thoughtful look on her face after a minute or two she had a bright but mischievous smile curling on her lips "Well we all know how protective and possessive Steve is right?" When she said that I nodded my head up and down "Well how about we use that to your advantage? Go to the tea cafe with Steve the same one who had that employee who was hitting on you. Go and flirt back with them, and I'm certain that when you do Steve will be so jealous that he'll probably tell the whole world about yours relationship!" I nodded my head and said "That does makes sense I'll think about  it and decide wether or not if it's a good idea to do it, also thanks Hafu for this talk!" I stood up and waved bye to Hafu and when I got to the door I heard Hafu say/shout "No problem 5up just happy to help you, and good luck!"

I was sitting on my bed thinking if making Steve jealous was actually a good idea or not, but I really wanted our relationship to be public to at least our friends, and if this is the way to do it then fine hell I'll do it. Me and Hafu planned it out perfectly. I'll ask Steve to a date at my favorite tea place, and Hafu will ask the rest of my friends to go to the same tea place but to sit somewhere else where we can't see them but they can see us. Me and Steve will get the employee that likes me they'll flirt with me and I'll flirt back. And then Steve will say something about how we are dating. Our friends will see it and figure out where dating and boom Steve will accidentally out us publicly to our friends that we are dating. And then I can hold Steve's hand and cuddle with him whenever I want ad not have to worry about it.

(Authors note: Hello guys so I left it on a cliffhanger as you can see, because we'll have a part 3 that'll have all the drama and such in it. I can't wait to write it and see what you guys think about it. This story has about 800+ words in it.)

~Bye from Danni💜💚

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