The Boy Games

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Mazie's pov
I was walking to school with my friends. We were walking in our group, passing the doors. We got to our lockers and started to hang out. Soon the popular girls group came, Sophie and Katie the popular girl never stated her name. They went up to Kydel the most popular boy at Karia high.

"Do you dare me, Sadie, Sdyney to go up to Kydel and flirt with him" I asked. " NO" they said. " the popular girl is guarding him" I giggling and walked up to Kydel and said "hi" twisting my hair. I winked at him and showed him my best dimple smile.

Then I turned around. Laughing as if it was a joke. The popular girl tapped my back and tilted her body smiled and twisted her hair. " haha you think it's a joke don't mess with my man" she said. Everyone laughed and giggled I felt so embarrassed I ran right for the bathroom.

As I ran I tried to pick up my purse but tripped on something busted my leg. Boom. There went my vision. I got up crying. Sadie and Sydney came to each side of me to help me walk. Now more people we laughing. I tried to run but slipped again and fell right again.

Narrators pov
Now Mazie was unconscious from her fall. Her mom was called to the school. The ambulance truck raced to Karia high and took Mazie to the hospital right away. Sadie, Sydney were in the truck with Mazies mom. Mazie was not breathing or moving.

Everyone in the bus were having a bad time with this situation counting the driver. Hearing crying the whole,car ride was a bust I would buy some ear muffs but then if the cops stopped them I wouldn't have heard a thing, at all over covering my ears and still crying.

Switching back to the subject when they reached the hospital Mazie was sentence 9 months before cure. Her friends though how would they survive school with out there beloved daredevil, and brave one. Maxwell was also sentence to stay at the hospital for,5 nights.

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