Chapter 1

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I hum to myself silently as I paint light brush strokes on my notebook. I put headphones in to block out the sounds of others thoughts and emotions. I hear a firm knock at my door and I jump slightly. I place my notebook on my bed with my headphones where I was sitting and go to answer the door. I open it slowly to make sure it's not a threat but instead I see Agent Hill standing in front of me. I open the door awkwardly.

"Director Fury is requesting to see you in 5 minutes in his office." She says emotionless. Oh shit what did I do. I can feel her feeling alert and authority radiating off her body. My eyes glow blue as I read her emotions.

I close the door and change into black leggings and pull a dark blue hoodie over my head. I report to Director Fury's office on the top floor knocking on the door and hearing a stiff "Enter." I let myself in and see Fury standing behind his desk looking at a file. Oh god is that my file? I think to myself.

"I was glad to hear you came back from your last mission alright. Please, have a seat." He says looking up from the file and taking a seat himself.

"Thank you, sir." I respond taking a seat in front of him. My eyes dart around the room and look over my shoulder subtly.

"I have a mission for you, are you familiar with the Avengers?" He says looking at me with his one eye. Ahh yes the Avengers. Who doesn't know them, they are hero's. From people like me who were only made to be a weapon. Before my time in shield I was raised in the red room and experimented on by Hydra. I had been there all my life but shield found me and recruited me when I was 18 and now I have been working for them for the last 6 months.

"Yes, sir." I sit up straight.

"I want you to join them, I think you could be a good asset to their team." He says leaning forward.

"You mean my powers or my assassin skills?" I says feeling slightly ashamed of my past.

"Well, yes. You could learn more control over your powers there and go on missions regularly like you would here. If you choose to accept then I have a mission ready for you that they will monitor so they can become familiar with your special skill set." Fury says. Seems like a good opportunity to learn more control I guess.

"Ok, I'll do it. When do I leave for my mission?" I respond after consideration. I tuck a piece of my red hair behind my ear.

"1 hour."

* * *

I walk onto the jet wearing my tight black suit and holding a black duffel bag with some spare clothes and a few personal belongings. I find am Agent waiting there to brief me. "Here is your ear piece," he says handing it to me. I fit it comfortably in my right ear. "The mission is simple, get in through the front, down the only hallway and there is a computer room and it's the very last door on the left. Get the computer drive and copy the information." I make sure all my suit gadgets are functioning and set my duffel bag down in a seat.

"Ok thanks." I respond and he leaves. I get into the pilot seat and take off. There are already coordinates in place so I put it in autopilot. I set an alarm for an hour and zone out. The alarm goes off an hour later and I switch to manual and land at an undisclosed location. I put a black mask on to cover my identity. I walk up to the front of a white building where I see a lock pad. I pull a hacker off my belt and wait the door pops open. I figure I have about 2 minutes before some security shows up from a silent alarm. So I have to be fast. I jump right into action jumping over the receptionist desk wrapping my legs around a guard and he's out. I hear heavy footsteps from down the hallway. I throw two electric disks at the security guard charging at me and it lands on his shoulder and thigh. He cripples to the ground. I jump over him and lunge myself at another guard legs first and hit him with my shoes directly in his face. I get up after landing on the ground and knee another in the stomach and use telepathy to shove his head into the wall. Ow that looked like it hurt.

"Gotcha" I hear someone whisper from behind as a arm wraps around my neck and I immediately send a surge of energy from my hand through my chest throwing him off me.
"No you don't" I respond. I spot three men heading my way and I pick the first one up into the hair and throw him into the other two. I step over them and dodge a punch from another guard. I turn to my side to protect my internal organs and dodge a few more punches. Ok I'm done with this shit. I jump on the back of one of the slowly gaining consciousness security guards and push him to the ground and rest my legs on the mans shoulders and without hesitating I lean back with all my weight and land on my feet. I look back and see a trail of guards down the hallway. I look to the right of the door and see another lock pad but I left my hacker at the front so I do a twisty hand motion sending ball of blue energy out of my hand open the doors. I walk through into the computer room and complete the mission and look up into the camera and wink before leaving. I feel like such a badass walking out. I get into my jet and put on the cloaking setting and autopilot with other remotely inputted coordinates.

I hold my right hand up to my earpiece and ask, "Where am I going now?"

"The avengers compound where you will meet Fury." Someone responds on the receiving end. I nod as if they could see me and I pull off my mask and shove it into my duffel bag. I zone out again as I waited to arrive at the Avengers Compound.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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