fifth story

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well, well, well...what do we have here? someone still reading? wait....really. oh my, um...thank you. thank you very much. so this story isn't much but is sort of confusing. they're two people in this story not one, and medication is the last word in the story, but just wanted to say that just in case. thats is enjoy

i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. i just want it to go away. go away? why would i go away? i want to stay just as much as you want me to go. i don't need you. you are not want i want. let me alone. stop it. i want to be alone. you only have me. i don't want you to be alone. now look what you did. it's a mess in here. shut up...i don't want to hear you anymore. i don't...i don't want to be here anymore. you're not stuck here because of me. you're stuck here because you won't let me go. then leave me be. i can't. why? they want you to take your meds.

yeah, i hope you have a good day. good bye.

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