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Tori POV
Last thing I remember  is driving on the bridge. I woke up to a room full of people.y am I in a hospital bed then I see twist

Tori:prince?!(she said weakly)

Everybody: tori(runs to the bed)

Prince:y did you do this to yourself y did u drive off the bridge

Then It struck me like lighting

Tori:(looks at him)I was mad and hurt that rocky cheated on me (tears fall)I figured out  no one loves me so y should I live my parents been con for two years. We don't know where they at twist was cheating on me now rocky cheated so what's to live for

Twist: look t I'm sorry I didn't mean it n everyone in this room loves you if they didn't they wouldnt have. Been here

Moma T:he. Is right I love you like one of my own

Tori:(smiles) I. Love u guys too

Door opens

Rocky: (walks in and closes door)can u guys give me an tori a. Minute?

Moma t:yeah (walks to him and points finger in face)don't hurt my baby anymore or else I got some for Yuh(touches purse)got it

Rocky: (scared)y-yes maim

Moma T:mhm tori yell when u need me(walks out)

Tori:(giggles) ok moma t

Prince:(walks to him and mean mugs him)yeah what she said(walks out and bumps his shoulder)

Twist:(walks. To him)you a sorry ass nigga(spits on shoe and walks out)

Everyone else:(mean mugs him while walking out)

Rocky: (closes door) look(walks to chair by the bed and sits down)I'm sorry it's just (sighs and puts head in hands)I wasn't thinking

Tori:I don't think we should be together anymore

Twist: (behind the door listening)yes!

Tori:(laughs) move away from the door twist

Twist: (smacks lips)maaan(moves)

Rocky:y not

Tori:if you can't make commitments then I don't think we should be together

Rocky: baby look I'm sorry I won't do it anymore n I will make commitments please just one more chance

Tori:I've given too many I think its time I stopped

Rocky:(sighs)ok I understand (leaves)

3 months later

Rocky pov
Its been 3 months since me and t broke up I'm incomplete. I miss her so much seeing her in booty shorts and half shirts just makes me want her more seeing her chill with other dudes makes me mad and jealous I just want my baby back

Tori POV
Its been. Great these past few. Months but i miss. Kissing all over my rocky poo waking up next to him jump on his back sleep under him its so much I miss about him I just miss him these other dudes cant compare my rock I just want my baby back

Tori:(walks upstairs singing) even when I'm down to the wire baby even when it do it don't I got faith in you and I cuz this love is a sure thang (bumps in to rocky and falls)ouch

Rocky:sorry ma(helps her up) u good

Tori:yeah (looks at him)

Rocky:(looks at her)

Both:can we. Talk(laughs)

Tori:yeah(walks in his room and sits on the bed)I wanna be together again I wanna new start


Tori:yeah I realized how much I love and need u

Rocky:(picks her up)yay(spins her around)


Rocky:I got. My baby back

Tori:I got my rocky poo back

Rocky:(kisses her)

Tori:(kisses him)


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