Drelagune Nimrod: The Alien Hunter

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The badge crashed into the atmosphere of Earth, making its way into a house and into the bedroom like a shooting star. The kid who owned the room was a teenage kid named Parker Rodriguez, a 17-year-old boy who lives in Coral Gables, Florida. He was a sporty guy and was a popular kid in his high school, as people would typically describe his role as. He had dirty blonde hair, freckles, green eyes while possessing a defined jawline combined with his ectomorph physique and an olive skin tone. He was also the best wrestler in his high school, leading him to be the captain of his team and winning three gold medals. Parker has also been in love with martial arts and gymnastics his whole life since the age of six. He trained in multiple different martial arts such as kickboxing, in which he eventually became a first-degree black belt by 16, and won a platinum medal in gymnastics the following year.         

The vociferous noise from his window caused him to jump out 10 feet out of his bed. His stomach dropped to his toes and his legs felt like jelly. As he searched around his spacious and dark room, something red smoldered in the corner of it. It resembled some sort of shiny golden badge. It was three inches in size and was shaped like a medieval heater shield. The blonde teen cautiously got out of his bed and tiptoed to the object as he didn't want to make any noise to alert his parents. Parker bent down and reached out to pick it up. Right when he made physical contact with the badge, his vision was blurred to the point that he couldn't see, causing him to feel incredibly uneasy. His body began shaking rapidly as his veins began to brim a bright red. It was spreading from his hands throughout his whole body at a snail's paste. After going through endless pain, it finally ended. Parker collapsed to the ground as his light and quiet snoring filled the room. When Parker was knocked out cold, the bright red glow from the badge slowly faded as the entire room was filled with darkness again.    

The next morning was Saturday. The young boy's room breezed due to the air coming from his shattered window and the only talking heard was the soft and high-pitched chirping from the birds outside. Parker jolted from the hardwood floor as if he had a nightmare. The chirping of the birds outside hit the boy's ears as his eyes were studying the entire room. As he got up from the floor, the same badge from last night remained at the same place. Parker came closer before picking up the object to study it. "What the hell?", Parker mumbled in disbelief, thinking it was a dream. Parker headed to his bathroom as he pushed the wooden door open, leaving a silent creak to be heard. He turned the faucet on as water came running down the sink before he began splashing water on his face. After turning the water off, he grabbed his towel from the top of the hanger from the wall to dry his face off. Before he was about to head out, he stopped in place as he noticed something slightly unusual. His ab muscles popped out of his stomach more than before and the separated muscles of his quads were much more visible, but knowing that he was already muscular, he wasn't too amazed. When Parker looked down to the edge of the sink, he jumped a mile high. He saw the badge that was supposed to be in his bedroom in the bathroom. He lifted his right eyebrow, squinted his eyes slightly, and cocked his head about the badge suddenly being where he didn't remember keeping it at. Parker clenched his jaw and shook his head before reaching his hand out to grab the badge from the edge of his crimson marble sink. Afterward, he left the bathroom before throwing on some random clothes and headed downstairs. As he made his way towards the kitchen, he spotted his parents downstairs eating breakfast. 

The father was named Gregory Brown. He was of Puerto Rican descent and shared the same greenish-brown eyes, muscular frame, jawline, and dirty blonde hair as his son aside from a lined-up stubble and pale skin as well as sporting an all-orange suit that was made of velvet.

On the other corner is his mom, Amanda Rodriguez. Like the father, she was of Puerto Rican descent and had ravishing brown, lengthy, and silky hair. She had sparkling green eyes, freckles, and identical facial features of her child and her outfit added to her youthful and slim appearance as she wore an all-bloody red fabric dress.  

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