+*~albus potter ~*+part 1

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N/N = nickname
Y/n = your name
M/n = middle name

Your POV :
I sat at the Hufflepuff table talking to my best friend Hugo Weasley talking about are summers just then the headmistress McGonagall made a Announcement " good evening students may I have your attention please I would like to welcome Professor kasey Weasley ( she married Charlie and is the potters and Weasleys auntie) she will be your new DADA teacher this year ! And secondly well will be hosting a play ... a muggle play called mamma Mia and I would like all of you to be in the great hall by 8:30 am tomorrow morning that will be all." She said sitting back down just then the feast had began But I was to busy staring at Hugo's cousin which one you maybe asking well Albus Severus Potter I've had a crush on him since first year when he had helped me with my trunk and even since then I've had a crush on him Hugo and Rose said I should tell him .ha ! No way in hell i'm to much of a wimp to do that but Hugo and rose insist that he likes me too ." N/N ... N/N !!" Hugo Practically screamed in my ear . I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Hugo " hmm what do your what Hugo !!" You huffed turn to you best friend he just rolled his eyes at you " you were look at Albus again weren't you" he said smirking you blushed and looked down at your plate "I - what - No it isn't like that he doesn't even Know I exist" you sighed again Hugo just rolled his eyes at you " whatever you say N/N but I call godfather" he said you turn more red then Gryffindor commonroom if that was possible you slap the back of his head " bloody hell woman" he growled in pain " git" you thought " oh get over it would ya" you scolded him as he complains" ugh anyways before you rudely interrupted I asked are you going to sign up for the play" he said with a smile . You shake your head " aww come on N\N you really good at acting please for me !! He Pleaded giving you the puppy dog eyes you could never say no to " ugh fine" say said he just hugged you you just roll your eyes at him and turned back to the Slytherin table Trying to look for a certain Potter but couldn't see him anymore you just sighed and look down but you didn't know that a certain Slytherin had been look at you all this time.

Albus POV :
I look over to the Hufflepuff table to see my crush of 2 years y/n m/n Diggory yes the daughter of pretty boy Diggory as my uncle Fred and George called him . My dad and Cedric had met 4th year both Hogwarts champions my dad had saved Cedric from dying that night  of the Tournament . But anyways I look over to the puffs table to see her blushing at something Hugo had said and she had slapped him around the back of the head I chuckled and looked down of how I wished she would notice me I sighed my best mate scorpius Malfoy looked at me " you alright there mate" he asked I just nodded my head and look back at the Hufflepuff table then got up and walked out the great hall to the Dungeons .

Hope you enjoyed

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