how is my father?

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I came back upstairs and luckily Mia had not gotten in the shower yet. I told her everything and then we got in the car to go to the hospital.

M- I can drive so you can process this

T- no it's ok

M- ok just know I love you

They rushed to the hospital. "Who are you here for," the front desk person asked.

T- Theodore Adrian Petrou

FD- ok, he is on floor 4 room 8

T- thank you

M- I am going to wait out here so you can have your private time with him, let me know when you want me to come in

T- ok thank you, love you baby

M- Love you too

*Thomas goes inside his dad's room. He gets in and sees the doctor and his dad is attached to a ton of machines.

Doctor- You must be Thomas Petrou

T- yes sir, how is my father?

D- he is looking pretty good but we are going to have to take him into surgery tomorrow morning

T- well that's good, can I talk to him?

D- yes, in fact he kept asking me where you were

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