The Anti Void

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Ink's POV

"Oh Error~!" I called into the blankness of the Anti Void. The place I found out where he lived, very hard to get into. I have to go to the code logs and get information from what small gap his portal made and get here. But it's worth it to see my RuRu~! I heard the glitched scoff of my precious Error and skipped over to him.

"CaN't YoU tAkE a HiNt InK?" Errors sweet glitching voice said in such an annoyed tone. "Oh you're so cute when you're angry!" I teased him, which made him grumble and look away. He isn't chasing me out this time! He must be enjoying my company!!! I sat on his bean bag next to him and smiled, looking at the doll in his hand. I frowned as I saw it was a cherry sans and not me.

He glared at me and scooted over, which in turn made me scoot closer to him. He kept scooting over and i kept scooting over till he fell off the bean bag. He growled and sat up "YoU kNoW wHaT? jUsT sTaY oN tHe BeAn BaG! i'Ll sIt On ThE fLoOr." Error said, huffing and glaring at the doll in his hand.

He lifted it up and some of his strings draping from the sealing grabbed it and lifted it up with the many others. "Oo~ so kind!" I said, leaning back and getting comfy. He was so nice! Error rolled his eyes and grabbed his box, dragging it to him. "WhAt Do YoU wAnT iNk?" He snapped, not even looking at me anymore! No! I need him to look at me with those multi colored eyes.

"Oh nothing, come to bother you." I hummed, always acting casual and rude to him when all I wanted was him beside me. I flicked some rubble from my shirt at him head. Making him growl and not even glance at me! No! Look at me!

He continued waving his hand through his box, the sound of things clattering as he did. "CaN't YoU gO bOtHeR oNe oF yOuR sTaR bUdDiEs YoU lOvE sO mUcH?" Error snapped at me, giving me a side glare but I needed more! I don't feel or love anything but you! I only love you my RuRu!

"Noooo, you're much more interesting to bother!" I said, sitting up. Error scoffed and pulled out a long blue patterned scarf. It looked like his but lighter and made out of yarn. I noticed him also grab out two knitting needles. Since when does he knit? He only crotches and doesn't know how to knit! Has someone been around my RuRu!? Teaching him these strange things he doesn't do!?

"Ssssooooooo, when did you learn to knit?" I asked him, doing my best to smiled and not seem angry. Error looked at me before twisting the yarn in his needles. "A fRiEnD tAuGhT mE." He grumbled simply. No! Someone has been around what's mine!!! "Oh? I d-didn't know you had f r i e n d s." I said, smiling bigger as my socket twitched.

Error looked at me like I was weird then back at his yarn "WeLl I dO sO tHeRe." He said, always with his annoyed tone. "Who are they?" I asked, leaning forward to hear so I could get rid of them for thinking they could get close to MY RuRu. Error glared at me "I'm NoT tElLiNg YoU." He huffed.

Why!? Does he like them!? I need to get rid of them! He's mine! How dare he not tell me! "Fine." I growled, crossing my arms. It was quiet... I looked at Error, he was smiling a little at the scarf. I got up "Well, you're boring right now." I said, I didn't mean it. I'll always adore you! "I'm leaving." I don't want to but I'm going to lose control if I don't! I'll be back and find out who is trying to take you from me!

"Finally, good bye." Error said, sitting back on the bean bag next the where I was standing. I quickly splashed a pool of ink on the ground and jumped through. I landed and panted, gripping my satchel; hearing my vials clinking together. I sat on the floor and panted "I almost lost it. He's just so amazing~! Who wouldn't want him? But to bad. He's mine! Mine mine mine mine!" I said into my doodle sphere.

"Ah~ I can just see him now! With me, I'll keep him by me forever! No matter who gets in the way I'll kill them! I'llkill them I'll kill them I'LL KILL THEM!!!!! HES MINE, ABD ONLY MINE! THEIR DUAT WILL PAINT MY DOODLE SPHERE BEFIRE THEY ARE ALLOWED TO GALNCE AT HIM AGAIN!!!!" I squealed, putting my hand on my cheek and gripped my satchel harder. My eyes turning red and pink, he was all mine, and I needed him soon.

~End Chapter~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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