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Kurapika have been busy lately, he's always come home late and bags under his eyes Is not invisible but sometimes, he come home early than usual. Hopes to finally spend time with him but crushed when he's continue doing his work.

And this day is one of them.

Before showering, you ask him a question that flooding in your mind, didn't care If you disturb him from his works.

"Kurapika, can I borrow your tabard?" You whisper, enough for him to hear.

"Go ahead." Kurapika respond, eyes still on his works.

You didn't know why you're bother to ask him his permission while he do his works, he won't give you his attention unless he's done with his works, maybe it's because a side of you think if you ask him, he will give you his attention.

With a sigh, you walk to you and Kurapika's bedroom. You search for his tabard before you go to the bathroom, after finding it you walk straight to the shower.


"Kurapika's Tabard is much more comfortable than I thought it is." You mumbled, eyes widened when you look at yourself in the mirror. Kurapika's shirt that he always wear under the tabard are too long and bigger for you, the sleeves pass your fingers.

"This is too big for me. I look cute though." You whisper the last part, while making poses.

With a yawn, you walk towards your bed and lay on it.


More than one hour has passed, as Kurapika open his bedroom door after he finished his works. There's he saw you already asleep.

With a tired sigh, he sit beside you. Admire you for a moment until his eyes stop at what you wearing. Feeling guilty as he remember you asked for his permission but only get ignore.

"I'm sorry, dear" Kurapika whisper to you. knowing you can't hear him, he wrap you in his arms before falling asleep.

As you wake up and rubbing your eyes, you saw a note at your bedside table. Confused, you reached it and read it out loud.

"Good morning dear,
I need to hurry. So, I will go straight to the point. I'm sorry for ignored you last night, I'm so sorry, if I've hurt your feelings. I made you a breakfast as an apology gift, I hope you forgive me.

A bright smile grown as your eyes read another sentence in the note.

"P.S you look lovely in my clothes..."

You giggles before you put the note back to it's original place and run toward the kitchen to eat your breakfast that Kurapika have made.

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