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Lovestruck  (Sasuke x OC)

Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!!!

The clock rang signaling it was time to wake up. The young Uchiha groaned as he got up from his very comfy bed. He sighed when he took a glance at his calendar; it was February 14, Valentine’s Day. Oh how he didn’t like that date because every Valentine’s Day girls would hand him chocolates, roses, love letters, and confess to him but he would always turn them down. Whoever they were, rich or not, he wouldn’t accept because only one seemed to have him captivated and that girl is clueless. Uzumaki Natsumi is the name the girl who had captured his heart and apparently she’s Uzumaki Naruto’s sister.

The redhead had been transferred to Konoha High 5 months ago since her brother wouldn’t stop his wailing and ranting that he and Natsumi should not be separated. When introduced to the group, she was accepted immediately even by the emotionless, raven haired Uchiha. Days passed and he got to know her and fell for her completely and he, himself knows this and accepts it.

The reason he fell for her? He knows all too well. The fact she’s quiet, kind, and dignified, not like the other girls who try to catch his attention by pretending as “the girl he’s into” which is disgusting and far from what he likes. Also the fact that she doesn’t chase after him like a wild animal brings relief to him.

Sasuke hates Valentine’s Day but today was an exception because today is the day he’s going to confess his love for Natsumi, and if you’re asking if Naruto approves of what Sasuke's going to do, then the answer is yes. The hyper-active blonde was over-joyed that his emotionless and egotistical best friend fell in love, he even jumped around singing “Duck-butt is in love~” in an annoying voice according to Sasuke.

The Uchiha took a bath, ate and headed to his school, Konoha High. He then spotted a redhead up ahead and he was sure it was Natsumi, the girl he fell for. As he drew nearer he saw the girl’s appearance and it was indeed Natsumi. He tapped the girl’s shoulder and smiled slightly, which is totally uncharacteristic for him, guess it proves that love can change a person. The redhead looked at the raven hired boy with eyes full of innocence, another reason he fell for her deeply. “Oh! Sasuke-kun good morning” Natsumi greeted Sasuke with a smile and as if on cue his heart pounded wildly and his breath hitched. He couldn’t contain his smile, so he let it out “Good morning to you too Natsumi” he replied, voice soft and caring since he always was like this when both of them are alone , but today that’s going to change drastically, he’s sure of it.

The two talked while walking to the direction of the school, laughing and smiling once in a while. She was the one that could bring out this side of the young Uchiha and he was the one who could bring out the redhead’s smiles and laughter   anytime he wanted to, which the Uchiha really loves. Arriving at the school and separating because of the fan girls chasing Sasuke to accept their gifts of “love”. He ran through the heart decorated and red painted hallway of the school with his fan girls slowly disappearing from his sight which he was really thankful with. The young Uchiha panted from the energy he exerted from the run. He thought back from the walk he had with Natsumi, he was staring at her, watching her laugh and smile because of him and he made the most obvious conclusion ever that he’s lovestruck. How stupid of him to make that conclusion just after a tiring run away from his fan girls.

The door to the rooftop suddenly opened making the Uchiha jerk slightly, hoping to God it wasn’t one of his fan girls, he stood there watching who would come out. To his relief it was Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Gaara, the 4 persons that are going to help him make his grand gesture for Natsumi and for all the students and faculties of this school to know. Naruto grinned at Sasuke and said “today is the day my man! You better take good care of her!” the Uchiha smirked and replied “wouldn’t think of hurting her, not one bit” and with that the 4 headed to the gym.

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