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This here will be a before and after
Of Subaru

Name:Natsuki Subaru
Age 17
Hair color:black
Eye color:Brown

Name:Natsuki SubaruAge 17TitlesnoneHair color:blackEye color:BrownLooks

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Hight 5.8
Aliases(his mom and dad don't know their names actually)
Return by death

This is the after
Natsuki Subaru
Natsuki Barbatos(new name)
Age:237(looks 20)(its explained in the skills)
Holy Knight(former)
Grim reaper
One man army
Red eyes of the black skull
Bringer of justice
Protector of the weak

Hair color:black
Eye color:Brown(red in half starvation mode)

Hair color:blackEye color:Brown(red in half starvation mode)Looks

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Aliases:Country of seifort
Country of Galia
Myne(wrath)(shes younger)(age 1387)(treated like a little sibling by Subaru)
Rita heart(great great great great great great grandmother of Roxy heart)(Subaru's teacher)
Arthur Barbatos(great great great great great grandfather of Aaron Barbatos)(successor)
Yuki lilyana Arapaho(Subaru's love interest)(deceased unfortunately)
Half starvation mode(controlled)
Starvation mode (control last for 20 mins before he start to lose himself)
Sand magic
Water magic
Fire magic
Ice magic
Fire magic
Holy magic
Shadow/Dark magic
Hyper regeneration
Cellular deageing(what I mean by this is that his cells don't die off as quickly to preserve his youthfulness)
Fire resistance
Mind control resistance
Fear resistance
Truth read(able to tell if people are lying)
Grand cross
Karate<hard fist>
Gentle fist(real life not the naruto one) Destruction fist(this skill utilizes both Karate and gentle fist to damage the the outside and inside with a high speed punch with a twisting motion on the opponents body then the impact of the force will be spread throughout the body destroying the bones muscles and organs the only drawback is the recoil)
Limiter remover(he removes thw limitations of his body allowing him to access 100% of his body's potential
Drawbacks it uses up his stamina as well as damaging his body)
Demonic fist(need to activate limiter removal to use)(upgraded version of the destruction fist which allows him to break through the most sturdyiest of defense the drawbacks are even more intense rhan usual)
1-inch punch
Curse resistance
Return by death(can't be negated)
Mind read
Power negation(in this case he is able to rip out a person's power)
Time reversal(able to reverse time on himself/others the amount of tine that is rewinded depends on his mana)
Reanimation technique(couldnt come up with a Better name so I went with the naruto one but unlike in canon the person doesn't come back as a immortal zombie but the person comes back to life when they were young along with the person's original full power they still keeps the infinite chakra/mana but loses the immortality
sacrifice still required)
(reanimated people under his control)
-kagura she can transform into a spidernoid with spider arms(she was messing around with chemicals and that is why she can transform)that allows for extra mobility(looks like a 20 year old)(she only transforms when it is REALLY necessary and also her normal form is reinforced because of a side effect of her mutation)

Subaru of the gluttony (re zero x berserk of gluttony)(discontinued)(rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now