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ib: @/sophiasiphone on tiktok

au where kuboyasu is the popular guy who everyone loves at pk academy and kaidou is the "weird" guy who often gets bullied bc of his personality

CW: lowkey angst, implied underage drinking/ se//ual content, swearing, also changed hairo's personality for this sorry lol

written in 3rd persons POV

A group of guys walked past by the cafeteria tables as they laughed.

Hairo, the "leader" of the friend group, also the most popular guy at school, started to talk:

"Last nights party was the best, we should do that more often! Don't you think so, Kuboyasu?"
and winked at the tall purple haired guy.

Kuboyasu chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Well, yes but-

"Come on bro, you were so fucked! You had like what, 13 shots of vodka? I wasn't surprised when you made out with those hot girls and almost fu-

Kuboyasu hated to admit it, but he was starting to get really uncomfortable with this whole uhm- situation.

"Okay thats enough Hairo, im probably still hungover so there is no need to unpack all of that."

He let out a nervous laugh.

Since he got popular because of his strength and looks, he was invited to parties every week. Most of them were just with his friends and a bunch of girls, but yesterday was for to celebrate Kuboyasu's birthday so everyone gathered around him.

The party was actually great but something bothered him. Sure; drinking, kissing, dancing and doing other stupid shit was fun, but deep down he just wanted to live a "normal" life. Not that he hated his situation right now, but if he was given another opportunity he would take it, you know what i mean?

"Aren, can you hear me??"

Wait, when did they sat down to eat? Shit, he was spaced out again.

-Oh, i was thinking about something, sorry.

Hairo seemed very excited, and he started to talk:

- Hold that thought, do you know that one kid who always sits at the back of cafeteria? His name was uuh Kaidou i guess, anyways i heard that he is... y know?

Kuboyasu was interested. He didnt know why his friend brought this up all of a sudden.

-Yeah i know him, why?

- Well, you still didnt do that one dare i asked you to do yesterday. You were so drunk so we agreed that i'd come up with something and you would do it when you sober up.

Kuboyasu thought to himself: "It was a stupid game, why would that matter right now?!"Hairo was really one of a kind.

- Oookay?

- You know im so enthusiastic when it comes to  truth or dare, so i dare you to ask Kaidou out!


Kuboyasu's heart was racing so fast. This was happening so fast.

- Don't freak out man, its as a joke! He would be a great laugh stock, and it'd be fun to see that weirdo have his hopes up. I mean, you are the girls magnet and he is like...
You'll be an interesting duo.

Kuboyasu knew that there was no way out of this, he would ask him out, as a joke, they'd spend the day together and he would just tell that it was a dare at the end. But...

Holy shit, why did the thought of that made him feel weird? He knew he wasnt...gay, he was pretty sure he liked girls, and girls parts. Nothing "bad" could come out of this. It is supposed to be fun right?

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