Wall Rose

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Inside wall Rose in a small village lives Y/N alone in a cabin, When she heard about the fall of wall Maria and the flooding income of refugees she set to put to Help at least one of them.

As night fall she heard a knock on her door, She went a head and opened her door to see a person in scout uniform, He asked to sleep the night at her house.

As nightfall they started talking

Y/N: What's your name?
Eren: Eren Yeager.
Y/N: "Eren Yeager?" She was in shock, she heard the rumors of the Titan shifting scout and now she met him.

Y/N: "I'm going to shower" She said in shyness and headed to the bath,
While washing her hair she saw Eren peeking and when she looked him in the eyes he came in.

They started kissing softly and Y/N started biting Eren's body, As she bite his hand she realized she made a huge mistake.

Eren started transforming and Shifted to his Titan form crushing her house and killing her.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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