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The plan of Noemi to go back home went good, she planned to surprise her mom but she's the one who got surprised. Her step dad -Mike- surprised her by bringing her mother with him. Happiness and worries consumed her, she's afraid not to see those smiles again, her mom is still afraid for her cause she is only her mom's princess. 

"Welcome home, Noemi" her step dad spread his arms, asking her for a hug. 

Through the years, she'd been longing for father's warm, father's love, concern and father's care. Luckily, Mikael Vasquez came, her mother's boyfriend. Too childish to hear, but yeah. Her mother is flirting at the age of fifty and she just shook her head in that thing.

"Thanks, dad. By the way, how's Apollo? Where is he?" 

"He's on her lola and lolo now." her dad explained.

"Noemi!" her mom shouted as he hug her tightly. 

"Mom, I can't breath"

"Oh, sorry honey. Let's go to the restaurant, let's have a lunch there."

Should I tell? But if I, I'll just ruin the very good mood of mom. But, I don't want to keep a secret from them specially with mom. She's too precious for me. And, he's my one and only mom.  Keeping a secret from her, is like killing myself. If she ever found out it she will be very mad at me, and I'll be alone when that time happened. 

"Mom" I stop walking and face their face. 

"Ahmm... did you remember the pending application of mine three years ago?"


"I am now approved, they expect me in no time in Washington. Mom, I'll gonna be a flight attendant--" a slap hit me hard. So, she's not happy? It was years ago! She said, we need to move on and this is my way of moving on. I still grief but I need to move on, mom already moved on already, see? She's happy now, but me? I'm not and by this way, I'll be able to be happy because I feel dad is with me as I fly. 

"No! No! No! We already talk about this! You are not going!" 

"Ah, I see! You think I don't deserve to be happy right?  Cause, I don't do better but just giving you a head ache. I am very bad person. Right? I just want fly, because doing that, I feel dad is with me. I know he will be happy that I finally accomplish our dream. I talk about this thing to dad, before the incident happened, dad told me to follow my dreams, and he said, when I fly he's always by my side. He will never leave me, like you're planning too. I know the wedding will be held in no time, next next next month, but that means your surname will be changed, you are now going to be a Vasquez, but me?"

"I am not planning too, I want to tie with dad, who has given me a life. Sorry to disrespect you sir, Mike. But, I just can't forget dad that easy like how mom did. It's been decades and I know I need to move on, but I still miss him" a lone tear flow in to my eyes. 

So, now they know. What the point of staying here? They will just get mad over me, so I'll be better get going. 

"Sorry, I used your time for nothing. But, you can't ever take that away from me. Whether you like it or not, I am going. And, I hate you for forgetting dad that easy!" then I ran away. 

Noemi felt rejection by that, she felt alone... again. She hope someone would come here to make her happy or to make her comfortable. But of course no one will. Her best friend is busy at this time. She managed the whole cafe, of course with the help of her employees. 

She frowned when someone knocked at her hotel room. She opened it with a smile on her face. 

It couldn't be!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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