Interesting Tidbits on Life After Marriage - Part 1

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A/N: Title says it all

Mobile Phone's Ringtone

A certain day after marriage, Jungkook unexpectedly discovers in Hoseok's mobile phone, his ringtone is the same as any other men's is!

He becomes angry immediately and commands Hoseok to change his ringtone to be different from everyone else.

Before his anger, Hoseok who is trembling with fear, says: "My mobile phone only has two types of ringtone, one for men and one for women. Big Boss, do you want to be the third gender?"

All Caused By Online Nicknames

It is said that a long time ago, Hoseok's online nickname he used in all platforms had been something along the line of 'No Exams'.

After entering Jeon Corp, his nickname in SNS, Kakao, online games, discussion forums and everything was changed to heroic sounding nickname, which is "Beat Boss Can Sleep Well".

(A/N: Remember, beating Boss is beating the gaming character. No dirty meaning at all. Hobi is innocent T_T)

The nickname itself is not a problem. Even after some time, it contributes to Hoseok feeling better both physically and mentally. However, after marriage, Hoseok still does not sense the coming danger and forgets to change it.

As a result ......

The first night after returning from the honeymoon, Hoseok holds his laptop on the bed and chats with Tae in Kakao after he finished bathing.

Winter_Bear Tae Tae 🐻‍❄️: Send me more photos. 😤 .I want only landscape with no people in the pictures. That way I can use my full imagination better. I want to use them as source material.

Beat Boss Can Sleep Well : Oh, most of the photos haven't been sorted. But I'll send some to you first.

Winter_Bear Tae Tae 🐻‍❄️: Good. By the way, I don't want any photos you took because your photography skill sucks big time. 😂

Beat Boss Can Sleep Well: But don't you only want the landscape photos?

Winter_Bear Tae Tae 🐻‍❄️: Yes, only the landscape photos. 🥰

Beat Boss Can Sleep Well: But all of the photos Jungkook took also has me in them.



Beat Boss Can Sleep Well: Hmmm? Gone already? 🤔

Winter_Bear Tae Tae 🐻‍❄️: suddenly went numb and my fingers cramped so I could not type. 🤕🤕

Beat Boss Can Sleep Well: ......You've never been in love so your resistance against romance is poor. 😝

Winter_Bear Tae Tae 🐻‍❄️: You, you, you! After becoming close to your Big Boss, you have become bad like him. 😤😤😤

Hoseok is frozen by the word 'close' thrown out by Tae and his mind could not help but float out some complicated pictures. At that moment, the bathroom door opens.

In the dense water vapors, Big Boss only has a towel wrapped around his waist appears. His hands holds another white towel to dry his hair as he walks towards him. There are water droplets on his sculpted torso. A droplet falls down from his hair, mysteriously and slowly glides down his Adam's apple, chest, abdomen and in the end disappears into you know where.

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