Chapter 13 Lev's POV

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I sit in a chair and start thinking. Why did I go find Piper? She was so nice to me and I just ruined such a nice girl. I-I think I need to take my mind off of this. Maybe a little alcohol won't hurt.

I went downstairs and went to the alcohol cabinet. I grab a bottle that said " Guinness". I quickly take it to drown out my thoughts. Before I knew it, I had already downed 5 bottles.

2 Hours Later

I can't stop drinking. I've drunk almost everything in the alcohol cabinet. I need to stop.. It's just...I-I can't. I feel so dizzy. I need someone to help me. Where's my phone? Before I even knew it I passed out on the floor. The thing is tho. I can't wake up.

"LEV" I hear a familiar voice. " Why did you leave me?" I hear the voice again. I look over to see Piper in the dress she wore on our first date. " What do you mean?" I say to her. I try grabbing her hand but I can't. "Why did you kill yourself. Was I not good enough?" She says now in a hoodie and sweatpants. "Piper I-I didn't ki-" I say looking down at my hands. They were now covered in blood. I feel a sharp pain go through me. I look down at my stomach. There now layed.. a gun shot. I look up at Piper now freaked out.. she's gone. I run to try to find her. I finally found her. I tried turning her around. She didn't budge. " Piper why did you run from me?". She didn't answer. "Don't worry Lev... I'll see you soon." I was confused until I saw where we are now. We're on a roof top. Before I could stop her... she jumped. Then I saw her again... with wings? " YOU GIVE ME YOU GIVE ME BUTTERFLYS" She says her eyes now purple.

"LEV PLEASE WAKE UP" A faint voice says

I start to open my eyes and see Piper. She's crying. I look up and see that Piper only has a sports bra and a pair of shorts. Her hair is also in pigtails.

" What are you doing here?" I ask her. I'm so confused.

" Y-you called me saying that you needed h-Help. So I c-came. I thought you were lying. t-then I saw you on the ground a-a-and I'm just glad your ok" She says crying hugging me tight. I look around and see that it's now dark. Well that explains why she's wearing what she is.

" How long have you been here Piper?" I say

" About 5 hours. You called me at 8:15. I tried CPR on you 3 times. You stopped breathing at 10:47. I-I thought you had died. But I just didn't want to believe it so I kept on trying. You may have hurt me, but I didn't want 1 little mistake to be the end of your life." Piper said looking at me

" I called the ambulance. They told me that they can't help 13 year old children. So um.. I them fired." Piper said starting to clean up the mess I had made

" Piper it's 1:00am. You should go home." I say tryna remember what happened

" No. I'll stay here and clean up. Then I'm calling over Coco and Gavin... Well actually no.. they need to get some rest since they are hurt. I'm gonna stay over night to keep an eye on you." Piper says now bringing out cleaning supplies.

" O-ok if you say so" I say not even trying to fight back

" Great. Imma go run you a bath. Can you please drink some water and eat some fruit? It'll help with your headache."

" Ok. Thank you Piper" I say doing as she told me

" No problem." She says going upstairs

I ate fruit and drunk some water. I took to bath that she had run for me and got ready for bed.

" Thank you Piper for all you've done." I say as I lay in my bed

" Anything for Lev Cameron" She says. Then she kissed me. The kiss was pretty long.

" Why did you kiss me" I ask

" Cause I know you won't remember this tomorrow." She said looking at my eyes. She left the room and soon I fell asleep. Just as she said... I didn't remember anything that happened. I wish I did tho.

Sorry that I didn't post a new chapter in almost a week. PLEASE tell me if this was a good chapter. Until next time...

Love, Hampton Girls💖

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