What will the future hold?

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A/n so before I begin this story is based off of something I wrote for school and the writing for the college application is my actual school work so please don't be too harsh. I hope you enjoy. Also imma slightly hype up my own writing through Jess because I can so.

Y/n came running into the diner one morning, ignoring the shouts from Luke, they ran upstairs into the apartment. Y/n burst in, catching the attention of their boyfriend Jess Mariano. He stared at them for a moment before saying "can I help you?" Y/n thrust something into his hands. "Read it and tell me what you think." Just like that they were gone, leaving a very confused Jess behind.

He opened up the paper to reveal y/n's short story for their college application (I have no idea how they work so sorry if I'm wrong). Jess sat down on the sofa and began to read.

Prompt: write a short story about what the future will hold.

I often think about the future and what it will hold. How did I do in school and college? Who did I end up with? Did I have any children? It's something I think about at night when I lay awake at night unable to sleep. The need to know what happens in my future is always there but for now, one can only dream.

To me, my idle future is like this. I'd be married to the love of my life with one or two kids and a job I love. I know it sounds cliche but in the end, everyone wants something that's slightly cliche don't they. I'd live in a city or on the outskirts like I've always wanted. Our house would be a home with a countless number of bookshelves due to my love of books and reading. The kids would be kind, polite and respectful but still a little mischievous. Everything would be perfect and I'd have the life I've always wanted.

The chances of this happening are very small but does it really matter. I know that whatever happens in the future, it'll be perfect for me. The world is constantly changing and the future for this world changes everyday. So does ours I guess.

Jess stared at the writing for a while. He wanted to call y/n to tell them to come back so he could tell them how good it was but nothing came out. It was like he was frozen. Jess stared at it for a little longer before grabbing his phone and calling y/n.

After a few minutes, y/n once again burst through the doors of the apartment. They stared at Jess before sitting on the sofa then standing up again and beginning to pace. Jess sat back and watched y/n amused.

Y/n spun round and stared at him once more. "So was it good? Oh god I bet it's bad. I'm gonna have to re write it and even then I probably won't get in."

Y/n continued rambling until Jess stood up and put his hands on their shoulders. "It was really good."
Y/n looked at Jess for a while, trying to figure out if he was lying to save their feelings or not.

"Really?" "Really." Jess gently pushed y/n back onto the sofa and sat down himself. Y/n snuggled into Jess' side as Jess wrapped his arms around them. "I do have a question though" y/n hummed into his chest. "Who do you imagine the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with to be?"

Y/n looked up at Jess. "Well obviously Fred Weasley but since he's unavailable you'll do." Jess huffed out a laugh and looked down at them. "Your lucky I love you." Y/n giggled slightly before burying their face into Jess' chest and spending the rest of the day in the apartment with him.

Well until Luke kicked them out and told them to get some fresh air.

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