part 3

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it had been a week since you'd last seen eren, and you had just finished your exams. you plopped down onto your bed, exhausted but yet relieved that you had finished the tests. you had spent a large portion of the past couple weeks prepping for this and you really hoped that you had gotten a good grade to bring the ones you currently had to a better mark.

now that you were finally done, you had time to relax and focus on yourself. you had planned to spend time with friends to make up for some of the time that you had lost while drowning yourself in your studies. you picked up your phone, lazily scrolling through your socials and texts messages.

you and eren had been talking quite a lot since he had been at your house. the flirty texts back and fourth, it almost seemed too good. it felt unreal, the way that you and him seemed to suddenly jump into what was almost a relationship. you didn't question it though, you were happy. although he had a reputation, it didn't bother you because you knew how he felt for you and how you felt for him, you weren't intimidated at all.

"y/n? earth to y/n!" sasha brought you out of your trance while waving her hand in your face.

"oh, fuck, yeah sash, what's up?" you smiled sheepishly, you had been spacing out a lot recently and it did not go unnoticed by her.

"you keep spacing out," she chuckles as she opens the fridge, grabbing herself some strawberries. "something on your mind?" she knew you too well.

"oh, it's nothing," you laughed nervously as you scratched the back of your head. you had pretty much given yourself away and she gave you a look. "okay, fine. i was thinking about eren, and my situation with him."

"what about it?"

"well, it's just that it feels too good to be true, you know? i just don't want something to happen and then i get heartbroken once again." you told her, placing your phone down and playing with your fingers in the process; it was a habit of yours.

"what are you worrying about? you're not seeing anyone other than eren and i can assure you that he isn't seeing anyone else either." she responds with a mouth full of fruit which earned a laugh out of you. sasha is very protective of you, you knew that. and if eren did anything to mess with you or hurt your feelings, she would ruin him.

"yeah, but he's had history with girls and..." you trailed off, not knowing how to go about this. you didn't know why it was hard to talk about because sasha was the one who had told you about his previous flings with other girls in the past. it shouldn't bother you, but now talking with sasha about it, it made you feel weird.

"and?" she asks as she placed the food back into the fridge before coming down and sitting across from you at your shared table. sasha could sense that there was uneasiness going on and she didn't want to push you. "why don't you talk to him? you could maybe set boundaries or even establish your relationship together so you won't have anything to worry about."

"yeah," sasha's words were making you feel better, she always knew what to do. "i'll text him and we can maybe meet somewhere to talk." you felt a bit better, knowing that you'd soon confirm the relationship between the two of you. she smiled at you, and told you to text him so you could figure out plans. you thanked her and made your way to your room opening eren's contact number and pressing his number.

it rang a few times before it went to voicemail. voicemail? maybe he's busy? other thoughts began pouring into your head, but you immediately shut them down. you trusted eren, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. after the voicemail operator stopped talking, you left him a message.

"hey eren, you're probably busy right now but i just wanted to see if you were available later today so we could talk. it's nothing bad though, i also just miss you. get back to me when you can."

euphoric | e. jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now