Dumb Luck

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Lucy makes her way outside of the center, jogging to the wide courtyard. And while she would've enjoyed pushing her uncle further, a blood test didn't help her fear of needles and her millions of pestering questions left a green eyed flickering Bruce evicting her early. His 'go outside for a bit' sounds just like when her mom needs a break; a polite version of 'get lost'.

Lucy is all too happy to explore, even more intrigued to see Clint and Garrett working on his aim.

Barton slaps his son's elbow up an inch and crosses his fingers with a half laugh. Eight broken arrows in the grass later and all the archer wants is for the boy to get the target in some way. Bouncing off the edge is acceptable at this point.

She leans her elbows over the outdoor table, tipping it sideways, "Oops. What are you guys up to?"

Clint catches the table with one hand, silently groaning over another arrow completely going awry, "Testing out Garrett's new bow."

The boy extends a hand for Lucy to see it, noticing the curiosity in her stare, "Dad made it. Oak?"

"Mahogany," Clint lifts another arrow and tosses it to his son.

"Sick!,' Lucy strokes a hand down the side, 'How does it work? Can you teach me too?"

"Push the button on the side," Barton mumbles, half hoping she'll look for one and knock herself in the head. Instead, Lucy snatches Garrett's bow out of his hands.

The boy rolls his eyes and lifts the bottom, "You line up the arrow like this-."

Tony arrives just in time, ready with a bet, Antonia at his side and crouching to look for frogs, "$10 says G-Man loses an eye."

Clint tilts his head, "$20 if she hits the target at all."

"Yeah yeah," Lucy takes her aim, brushing off Garrett's final corrections.

Barton panics momentarily over her squint, "Keep both of your eyes open."

The arrow flies, not into, but through the bullseye. Tony moans and reaches for his phone to send over the cash of his lost bet.

Clint restrains his own happiness over having a kid around that can shoot, but seeing the look of shock and shame on Garrett's face only leaves Barton feeling guilty.

He addresses Lucy's shot with a simple "huh," ready to pick up a few of Garrett's missed arrows when he asks, "You did that with one eye?"

The girl is busy doing a happy dance around herself, pushing Garrett's shoulder, "Oh my god! Did you see that?! I shot that!"

She waves when Steve Rogers runs up along the path to join them. Now the Jameson girl is ready to move onto the next activity.

Tony can't help himself when he addresses Garrett, "You just got your butt kicked by a chic, how does that feel?"

Garrett doesn't respond, still watching Lucy. Barton lowers his eyebrows disapprovingly, "Hey, don't even think about it."

His son frowns, "About what?! I didn't do nothing."

"Good. Keep doing nothin' and hit something, anything. so we can pack this shit up."

Steve arrives with a nod, "Hello Stark, Barton, Garrett, ma'am."

"Lucy," she introduces herself and looks over his shoulder toward the second story that she's ready to run up towards and explore.

Tony nudges the guys, "Poker tonight?"

"I'm in,' Clint mumbles, proudly watching his son's arrow finally bounce off the top of the target, 'That's my boy! I'll take it."

Rogers claps approvingly, "Excellent work recruit. I see you finally hit the bullseye."

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