17: Returning Home

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Once Rocky and I returned home, we both enrolled in college. I decided on an online path as I wanted to help dad out with his construction business. Rocky chose to head back to Paris. Gaining the help of the designer whose photoshoot went viral with Rocky's suggestions, she was able to attend the IFA Paris, the International Fashion Academy. Rocky was in heaven in Paris. I was so thrilled that she was living her dreams; however, I missed her terribly. We had grown as close as sisters with our yearlong travel together and having her nine hours ahead was a hard adjustment for me. We managed to talk once a week on Saturdays. She would call me just before five her time, which was eight in the morning for me. I was extremely thankful for the technology to be able to not only talk to her but to see her as well.

When I told my dad that I was going to study civil engineering and that I was hoping I could work for him at his construction company, he was ecstatic. He said it would be an honor if I worked for Romick Construction. I had, for a long time, desired to do anything other than work for my dad. I loved him, but I didn't want to work for him at the time. I realized that being around his construction business was a great way for me to learn. It was the perfect training for me as I took my online courses.

At work, dad had me mostly doing office work. I answered the phones, completed paperwork, organized and filed blueprints, invoices, inventory lists, and other miscellaneous papers that were strewn about, but I was getting hands-on experience. When dad would have clients in to talk about design ideas, I would take notes down to create the drafts afterward. Dad would sit down with his notes and create a draft for the clients and have me do the same. We would compare drafts with each other and then create one based on both sets of notes together. At the next meeting with the clients, we would present all three draft variants. It often amazed the clients how accurately our combination draft hit everything they envisioned.

I missed my dad while traveling and I loved that I was able to spend so much time with him since I had returned, but after being out on my own for a year around the world, it was time for me to be out on my own in my hometown. I looked for an apartment in town and found a cute little studio apartment above a coffee shop. I quickly became the work crew's favorite Romick as I would bring fresh cookies and coffee for them on Friday mornings. Dad missed having me home but knew that it was time for me to move out. We had dinner together three nights a week and he still went to the Jones' house one night a week, so I knew he was doing alright on his own. I rarely did anything except work, dinner at dad's, and online coursework. I wanted to get my degree as quickly as I could, so most of my motivation went towards achieving that.

I did keep my word to Mr. Jones to share the information I promised him about my journey. I went over one night before I moved out of dad's house. Once there, he told me that Stevien went to Harvard and never looked back. He excelled through all his classes and had started as a freshman on the Crimson baseball team and was now in his sophomore year. He could play any position he put his mind to, and he did so with ease. His natural athleticism was outstanding. He was mainly a pitcher though occasionally would play infield. Between baseball and his classes, Stevien had little time for much else, which was difficult for Beth-Ann to deal with especially with the three-hour time difference. Mrs. Jones told me that Beth-Ann ended their relationship about a month after Stevien left and quickly began another, this time, the poor soul, was a replica of her in male form.

I was glad to hear Stevien was doing so well at Harvard. I knew he would do well there. I was also glad that he was no longer dating Beth-Ann as she seemed to be toxic for him. However, I couldn't help but wonder if he was dating someone else, someone who wasn't me. I tried to put those thoughts out of my head knowing it would never happen. I wanted the best for him, in everything, I just wished that involved me.

After I moved, I tried to keep in touch with the Joneses, though that mostly happened through my dad who still went over one night a week to have dinner with them. I did, however, manage to attend most of their boys' soccer matches whenever they played in town.

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