Dear Meave

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Dear Maeve,

I'm sitting at my boring table in my boring bedroom again, thinking back on my boring life. I remember the day I met you. It was a typical day for the average me and for a change I decided to say yes when a friend from school asked me to join them for a drink that night.

That was quite unusual for me, you see. This friend had been asking me to go out with them for months and I'd said no every time. But that day something made me change my mind. So I went. You were there too and it didn't look like it was the first time for you. It wasn't love at first sight. I didn't even know it could be, because you were a girl. And I am a girl. But you had this energy that drew everyone to you, that drew me to you. I couldn't explain it. You made me feel something I hadn't felt for a long time. You made me feel alive.

I hadn't drunk anything and you still managed to get me to the dance floor. You didn't know that at the time, but I hate dancing in front of people. I am convinced I look like a clown, but somehow I wanted to dance with you.

We shared a moment during an awfully loud and obnoxious song. I was sweating, I'm pretty sure most of my make up was smudged, it was hot and I could almost feel people breathing, because we were dancing so closely together. And in one moment, I remember, you looked at me. You were smiling. God, I'll never forget that smile. I was barely able to breath and you pulled me closer to tell me something. I couldn't even hear it, but I smiled back at you. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

After that night I continued going out with our friends in hopes of seeing you. Sure, I didn't know at the time that what I was feeling towards you was attraction or even love, I just knew that I needed to see you almost as much as I need to breathe.

We started hanging out alone more and more. I didn't tell you when I first dreamed of you. I didn't tell you that my heart started beating faster every time you touched my hand accidentally. I didn't tell you of all the many times I've wanted to just kiss you.

And now, you're leaving. You told me yesterday and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. You know how they say you never know what you have until it's gone? The thing is I never even had you. Oh, I wanted to. So badly. You were the dream, the one person I've wanted for the past year of our friendship.

It was hard for me to admit to myself that I might be a bisexual. It was even harder when I realized that I was gay. But as you slowly grew more important and special to me, I came to an even heavier conclusion. I love you. At the end it doesn't matter if we're both guys or girls or if one of us is a guy and the other a girl, love has no limit and I am in love with you.

But now you're leaving and it's killing me. I know it may be too late, I can only hope this reaches you in time. I am writing this to ask you to stay.

Stay with me, Maeve.

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