Types of Witches/Witchcraft

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 Ladies and gentlemen, strap yourselves in because this one is going to be a LONG one! I'm probably going to end up making this in parts, and they'll be spread out so that way you guys won't have to suffer through hours of reading just on the types of witches and witchcraft. Well, thank you for reading, I love you all, and let's get started!

These are the types of witches.

(Also, just make sure that you remember: You do not need to fall into a specific category, nor any type of witch. I myself am a mix of many different types and categories. K thanks bye)

The art witch: Art witches use, you guessed it, use art in their practice. There are so many different forms of this type of witchcraft. Someone may have a beautiful grimoire that doubles as a sacred sketchbook. A witch may use dance heavily in ritual instead of or in addition to spoken or written words. Spells may be sung rather than spoken. Art witches might make special inks or paints filled with magical energy and intent. The possibilities are endless!

Ceremonial Witch: Ceremonial witchcraft is all about grand and detailed rituals. They won't be the witches sitting on the floor in their pajamas with a stubby candle, scrap of paper, and some herbs from the kitchen. They'll be wearing ceremonial attire and using materials that have been carefully chosen and consecrated for long and elaborate rituals.

Chaos Magick: Chaos magic likes to go a little against the grain. Witches practicing this form of magic use sigils more often than not. Rather than focusing thought and intent on your desired outcome like most other forms of magic, chaos magic uses a system that involves forgetting it!

Cosmic: Cosmic witches look to the stars and planets for guidance. They often work closely with the phases of the moon and have a strong interest in .

Cottage/Hearth: Cottage/Hearth witches focus on magic in the home. They incorporate a little (or a lot of) magic in just about anything around the house. Herbs in natural cleaning products, besoms by doorways, special floor washes, altars for varying purposes throughout the house, and many other practices are used. Many hearth witches also practice some kitchen witchcraft as well.

Draconic Witchcraft: One word: Dragons. Draconic witches work with and/or worship the ancient and powerful energies of dragons. A wonderful resource for draconic witchcraft is Azura Dragonfaether on YouTube!

Elemental: Elemental witches work with the elements. This may be in a way that brings balance to each one, or in a way that focuses on a specific element. Related to this are sea witches, storm witches, and swamp witches.

Faery: One of the more whimsical forms of witchcraft, Faery witches have strong connections to and interest in the Fae. They also connect to nature and often enjoy being around small animals.

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