Chapter 1 of story 1

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Levi's p.o.v)

Ugh today the piece of shots known as my squad members decided to be as annoying as always,with their fucking nonsense and shit,well except for (e/y) who,insisted he did, was cleaning every room.(y/n) always listened to orders but was still a brat but he wasn't annoying like the..OTHERS.(shivers in annoyance) but he was still a was dinner time and I looked at (y/n) who in which seemed tired yet happy...

Normal p.o.v)

Your name is (full name) and you are in corporal Levi's squad,your best friend was Eren Yeager ,he was very nice to you,it was dinner time and you were tired after a day of cleaning but you were happy because you did all this without having orders,although you liked the people in your squad you found them quite annoying,though they were nice to you they were a little to nice.ignoring the fact that your a guy,the adorable person in which you were,maser it hard not to have girls or other BOYS,you were about to take a bite of (favorite food) that for some reason Levi insisted we have for some reason,you always suspected that he didn't like you ( if he liked anybody) that or he just disliked you the most,but you didn't have any reason except that he sometimes would watch you clean and scold you,making it harder to clean and he called you a brat-but he called everyone a brat almost-
So you decided to clean without his orders so you were tiered and you were tiered of the voices yelling at you "hey (y/n) you have a nice ass",chuckling could be heard around you as many of the guys stared at you which was very embarrassing,a pink color brushed across your face,"Reiner Jean and Ervin,laps NOW"Levi said almost yelling,"thank you corporal"you were the only person left which whom called Levi corporal but you felt it to be safer so he wouldn't kill you."shut up brat,did you clean everything correctly"."uh y-yes sir," crap I stuttered-you thought as he told everyone to go to bed,.,
Time skip to next morning-

Today was your birthday but you made sure no one knew,you never liked your birthday because everyone would try to wish you happy birthday,the only person who knew was Levi,you thought he didn't care because he always stayed quiet around you secretly admiring you without you noticing,

--Levi's office-
Levi was pacing around the floor,he knows it's your birthday and he knows you do g like people knowing,he wanted to tell you happy birthday but-but what if he gets suspicious,he thought about how he felt about you and the sudden realization made him fall backwards,he had been thing a lot about (y/n).thinking only about (y/n),he came to a conclusion that-"I like him"-"no I LOVE him",he quickly got up and ran to your room,he was not going to confess his feelings for the (e/c) eyed boy but he wanted to wish him a happy birthday,...........
"Come In",Levi shuddered at the sweet and innocent voice that came from inside your bedroom,you got up and before you could salute him Levi instituted saying."HAPPY BIRTHDAY"he loudly whispered at you so no one would hear..."w-what?"."I'm wishing you a happy birthday brat"-"th-thank you" without thinking you pulled him into an embrace,just now realizing it you backed away blushing"I-I'm sorry I'm so sorry".levi didn't know how to react whiteout confessing,he turned his confusion and embarrassment into rage.,he kicked you making you hit the wall and start to bleed,this hurt you emotionally and physically but your sadness made you begin to let your eyes water,"YOU ARE LUCKY I WONT MAJE YOU AS TITAN BAIT BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID ACT,I can't have you touching me now go run 50 laps,"but I was just excited"..."I don't fucking give a fuck if you were excited, your to God dam annoying and your no good on the squad your just a stupid boy"Levi said mad that you talked back and he wasn't paying attention to what he was saying,"just get off my squad"at this point Levi had turned around to put his back towards you leaving you crying while packing your stuff."o-okay" you said hushed while sobbing,you grabbed your backpack that had your clothes and shit,all your stuff was in the pack so you decided to leave,before you did you shed one last year and took off the jacket given to you by Levi once you joined his squad,you jumped out the window and ran as fast as you could...

Time skip-I'm sorry I can't do anymore of that time period

Levi's p.o.v)

I-I can't believe what I just did,I don't know why I did that I just couldn't let him know I liked him,ok what exactly did I do,I only yelled at him,for the first time in forever o cried,before I could stop hanji cane booming in,"sir what is wrong,a-are you crying are you ok I've never seen you cry","I-i yelled at him"."yelled at who?",....."at (y/n) I yelled at (y/n)","just say you're sorry"..a tear fell down my face after I stopped crying"I can't I told him to leave my squad" I was now hunched Down crying even more"we could all tell you liked him except for (y/n)".,."I have to find him",I ran in the middle of the halls,"ATTENTION!!i explained the situation and they all hopped out of bed,I went to his room to find his jacket laying on the bed,

Time skip
Regular p.o.v)
It has been what You guess to be an hour had sat down under a tree,you heard footsteps and hid behind a tree

"(Y/n),I'm sorry I-uhh I'm sorry please come back...WHERE ARE YOU (sniffles)
"Levi go away"
"No I just-I just-""-what hate me"
"No I love you(y/n) I just couldn't tell you so I hid it with anger I love you"

"I love you too levi"

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