I Won't Leave You Behind

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It was supposed to be an easy mission. Apparently, the universe loves making things very complicated because through all my time defending the universe, there was never an 'easy mission'. We were just getting some material when Lotor, who I thought we left at the quintessence field, came out of nowhere and started to attack us.

It was only the princess and I on this mission, the others completing other tasks. The blue and black lions, other than yellow, were the biggest of the lions, meaning they could hold more items, which is exactly what we needed for the mission. Sadly, we parked them farther away from us since they wouldn't be able to fit, and now we're paying the price, by running through the canyons of planet Suphater .

"Keith! How much farther from the lions are we?" Allura asked as we continue to run, and dodge the lasers that Lotor were firing at us.

I looked down at the holo map on my right arm, "4.6 miles left," I shouted as I veer to the left to dodge an incoming laser.

"You can run!" Lotor shouts, "But you won't survive," and then I hear his steps slow to a stop.

I look behind just as Allura did and see him take out an explosive.

"Allura look out!" I shout as Lotor throws it, the explosive aiming clearly for Allura. I throw myself at her, covering her as we roll away from the explosive itself, but when it hits the ground, the power of the explosive makes us fly into the canyon wall, I took the brunt of the impact, my back hitting the rock wall while Allura was pressed against my front.

We slumped down, falling on our sides that resulted in our twin groans of pain. I took in a deep breath, hearing something what sounded like steps coming closer to us. I opened my eyes, squinting through the light that seemed to be beaming down on us, and raised my head that felt like it was filled with led. I looked around until my eyes landed on a silhouette.

I squinted, trying to make my vision clearer, but all I saw was a purple blob that seemed to be coming closer. Purple blob. The only thing purple could have been...


I raise my head again, and this time, I see Lotor coming closer with a wicked smirk. I looked to my left and saw that Allura was trying to get up, but she was failing. The explosive must have taken a lot out us, because my body feels like it's been filled with led. My head falls back to the ground.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before I start to push up from the ground. Everything burns. Not like a fire is erupting throughout my body, but instead the burn that you feel when you work out too much and you're about to collapse. The problem is that I can't collapse, I can't give up because our lives on the line. So, with all my might, I push up until I'm in a squat like position.

I summon my paladin blade, and I grab my Marmora blade and extend it to all its glory. I take a quick glance over to Allura who's only an arm's length away from me and see that she is laying on the ground on her stomach, but she still seems aware, and she's staring right at me.

" Ke'th ?" she croaks.

"Yeah Allura?" I quickly look over to Lotor before I return my gaze back to the princess.

"I th'nk there was po'son 'n the gas," she concludes, and I nod my head. It will make the most sense.

"yeah, but I'm pretty sure it's affects doesn't last too long or it's weak, I'm already up, kind of," I murmur the last two words to myself before I push myself onto the balls of feet and stand. I bend my knees a little, lean a little to the canyon wall, and glare at Lotor who evilly smirks at me.

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