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After the fall of the base you and your siblings were staying at, you went back to your old town.

Pietro said he had errands to run, which was something you've never heard him say, so you and Wanda decided to shop too.

"This is for your brother" you and Wanda see Pietro handing something to a women, "And this" he holds up a gold dress, "Is not for your brother"

The women starts to say that it was too much, and Pietro insisted so you decided to do something because it's annoying

"Does every girl get a new dress from Paris" you mock while walking by

"Haha" Wanda laughs when your farther away

"Hey, what was that" Pietro catches up to you two after a few

"I didn't like her" you tell the truth

"He's here, he's here" A little boy runs into your legs

"Wow, are you ok" you hold him so he doesn't fall over

"He wants to talk to you guys" he says

"Who?" Pietro asks

"The Iron Man" he says and runs to his mother

"Come on" Wanda says and walks in front

You grab Pietro's hand and walk into the church that the boy had run out of

When you get in the church, there is a suited man sitting in a the chair in the middle with a cloth over his head

"Talk, and if your wasting our time-" Wanda starts but is cut of by a mechanic voice

"Did you know that this church is in the exact center of the city" It talks like there he has a cold

"The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God, I like that. The geometry of belief, your wondering why you can't look inside my head" he puts his head in his hand

You look over to Wanda to see her eyes red, "Sometimes it's hard, but sooner or later every man shows himself" she walks towards him

You try and get in his head now, your eyes turning purple. Suddenly, your eyes are filled with images of, Files, videos, pictures, codes, everything that is in his brain, you could see

"Mh" you lift up the corner of you lip, it's too much information to know

Iron Man stands up and faces us to reveal, um not Iron Man, but instead a grey robot with no person inside

"Oh i'm sure they do" his eyes red

You walk in front of Wanda, and Pietro holds her, taking the protective stance just in case.

"But you needed something more than a man, that's why you let Stark take the scepter" he steps down and towards you

"Don't, come on closer" you warn, your eyes going purple again

"I didn't expect, but I saw Stark's' fear. I knew it would control him, make him self destruct" Wanda speaks up before the robot can answer you

"Everyone creates the thing they dread" he turns his attention to Wanda

"Men of peace create engines of war, invaders create Avengers. People create smaller people uh, children, ha lost the word there" he laughs, "Children designed to supplant them, to help them...end"

"Is that why you've come? To end the Avengers" you ask

"I've come to save the world" he walks away, "And also, ya"

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