1 - m'lady?

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Chat Noir and Ladybug had found hawkmoths lair and Ladybug wondered why Chat needed a minute before going in to seize his miraculous, this is what they'd been waiting for.

They jumped in through Adrien's window and Chat reassured his lady that he had "spoken to Adrien" and said he was at fencing at the time, She didn't think much of it at the time. They must be friends. 

The hero team made their way sneakily around the Agreste mansion and stopped when they finally got to Gabriel Agreste's office. Ladybug was uncomfortable, the thought that her lifelong idol was the mad man who was constantly terrorizing Paris made her sick to her stomach. Little did she know that a certain black cat was thinking about what way he would be able to battle his father. 

LB grabs Chat's hand and comforts the obviously uncomfortable cat, giving him a little nod and he nods in response. In sync, they pace back a few steps and run into the door, landing in the empty room.

"he's not here?" chat asks blankly. If his father wasn't in his office, where was he?? Mr. Agreste never left his home, so why would today be any different?

The duo looked around, guard still up. LB closes the door behind them and starts to look around, Chat following her lead. Chat stopped and looked at the portrait of his mother, scanning it for any clues.

"Emilie Agreste..." Ladybug whispers as she grazes the portrait with her hand. "these are buttons" she says as she looks over at her partner. He takes a second to respond.

"good eye m'lady" he smiles slightly as she pushes them down into the picture. An area opens in the floor and the duo walks over to it slowly, looking into the deep darkness.

Chat extends his Baton into the hole and waits for it to hit the bottom, he grabs his lady by the waist and pulls her close, and they begin their descent. Adrien didn't even know they had a basement so this was all new to him, although he couldn't show it, he was terrified of what they would find in the unknown darkness.

All familiarity with his childhood home left his body as the cat and bug team finally reach the ground. A dim light leads the way in front of them, and as they looked around, they saw it all.

"Emilie Agreste?" LB gasped, looking over to see the glass casket at the end of the hall, Catching the black cat's attention.

"m-mother..?" cat whispers, quiet enough for Ladybug not to hear. Although a shocked look came upon his face.

"I see you've found my wish, perhaps you've come to give me your miraculous." Said a voice from the darkness, the duo knew immediately who it was, despite the dimly lit room.

"surrender yourself Hawkmoth, there's no use in trying. We've beaten all your akumas before, what makes you any different?" Ladybug said in the direction she thought the villain was in.

"you teenagers think you're going to defeat me? I'm not evil, I'm just trying to bring back my wife. It's for my son, my family". 

"Gabriel Agreste?" Ladybug said aloud. Her childhood idol, her best friend's father. He was the one behind the mask, terrorizing Paris.

Chat Noir gasped in horror. "father.?" he mumbled turning to find the villain. His own father was the one he was after, the one always attacking him, and even worse. His father had hurt his Lady. and that made the black cat angry, very, very angry.

A grin grew on hawkmoths face as he ran in to attack, and with that, the final battle had begun.

30 minutes of fighting, and it was no use. Ladybug got hit and was now laying on the floor. Her pigtails had come undone and her nose and lip were bleeding. Her vision was blurry and she honestly thought she was dead.

"Ladybug!?" Chat yelled, trying to find out if she was alright while fighting his father. He saw her on the floor, blood running from her face and her hair loose, His heart sank. 

Annoyed, he kicked hawkmoth into the wall, knocking him unconscious for a couple of seconds, running over to his partner and pulling her onto his legs.


No response.


Still, no response.

"M'lady? wake up... please" a tear ran down his face as he held on to Ladybug, pulling in what he thought was her lifeless body.

Ladybug groaned quietly as she became conscious in Chat's arms.

"K-kitty?" she whispered. She felt his grip tighten.

"I thought I lost you," he said in-between sobs, gasping for air.

"Shhh, it's okay kitty, I'm so sorry" Ladybug apologized, how long was she out for? Did she really stop breathing for that long? long enough to be presumed dead?

Chat finally took control of his breathing and shaky hands, wiping a couple of tears with the back of his gloved hand as Ladybug sat there in silence. He looked up at her and smiled once more, raising a hand to her face and wiping away some blood that was coming out from a cut on her cheek.

"I love you bugaboo"

"I love you too Kitty"

 As for Hawkmoth, he had seemed to disappear into the darkness. The hero team assumed he had left for some reason. 

That was until it happened.

the death of a hero: a miraculous ladybug fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now