help me. please. (katsuki bakugou x fem!reader)

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(tw: kidnapping, violence) (word count: 1229)

I looked around, desperate to find a hiding place. My eyes frantically scanned the area around me. 

It was no use. There was no where to hide. 

I could hear footsteps behind me. He was here. I spun around to face him. 

He stood at the entrance of the alleyway, breathing heavily. I could feel my heart beat get even faster than before. He was right there

And no one was here to help me.

I suspected it would come to this. He had been stalking me for what felt like months. Ever since I stepped foot in the school. I remember meeting his overpowering gaze. I knew he was dangerous almost immediately; it was a feeling in my gut. I tried my best to avoid him.

But no matter how hard I tried.

He was always there.

Grocery store? He was there. Park? He was there. Library? He was there. I saw him everywhere I went for the past 2 months. He would stare...glare right at me. It felt like he was gazing directly into my soul; overwhelming every inch of me. 

I wanted to get help, God, I wanted to so bad. But I couldn't no matter how hard I tried to convince myself to. What if he hurt me? What if he hurt the person I went to? There was no way of telling what could happen.

It made me paranoid, watching over my shoulder at all times. My grades dropped, and they dropped fast. I stopped studying, I stopped talking to my friends. My nights were spent staying awake and crying out of fear of the future.

People caught on quickly.


"(Y/N), we need to talk."

I looked up from my paper and to the person towering over my desk. It was Mr. Aizawa. Mina and Sero, my best friends, stood behind him. All three of them had concerned looks on their faces, and it was then I realized something was very wrong with me. I looked around. The class was empty. 

' long has everyone been gone?' 

It was just us four.

"W...what is it? Is everything okay?"

Mina teared up. "You're scaring us! We're worried about you, (Y/N)."

Sero nodded. "We've noticed something has been going on for awhile. Not just us, everyone has. You've been...different."

I blinked. "What? What do you mean 'different'?" 

'They know,' I thought.

Aizawa cleared his throat. "Well for starters, you're grades have dropped drastically. You're falling asleep in almost every class. You aren't participating in anything. You used to be so...lively, (Y/N)."

"You look terrified, (Y/N). You jump whenever someone even touches you, you lock yourself in your dorm all day. Even weekends. You turn down any invitation anyone gives you," Sero said quietly.

I clenched my jaw. "I don't know what you mean."

'I know exactly what they mean.' 

Aizawa let out a long sigh. "I know this is hard to hear. But I've talked to some of your other teachers and...we think you should maybe start talking to someone."

'He's going to hurt them.'

"Please don't think that we're saying you're crazy or anything. We just want the best for you, (Y/N)," Mina sniffled, wiping the tear that rolled down her cheek away.

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