Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After searching for hours,they took a break. PyonUso noticed and spoke,"What are you doing?"
"Taking a break."Fuu2 responds.
PyonUso groaned,"We have to look for"
"We should rest. We won't have any energy if we keep looking."Shishikoma says.
Torajiro replied,"He has a point."
"We rest when I say we rest."PyonUso demands.
Suddenly,a shadow appeared behind him.
Moony sweats,"But Usapyon....."
"No! We're still looking!"PyonUso nags.
Fuyunyan suggests,"You might want to look behind you."
"Stop acting foolish and keep looking for-"PyonUso was cut off,by someone tapping his shoulder.
He turned to see Yurei and DarkJii. He gasped,"Jibanyan......"
"What are you doing?"Yurei questioned.
PyonUso says,"We're here to help you."
"You're on their side?! What about me and our son?!"Yurei exclaims.
PyonUso groaned,"I said we want to help you."
"How could you do this to your family?! Jii-tan,attack!"Yurei commanded.
DarkJii nags,"Nyo one messes with mommy!"
He starts attacking,as PyonUso backed away,not wanting to hurt his family. Everyone else attacked in response.
"What are you doing?!"PyonUso panics.
Fuu2 replied,"We don't want to do this,but we have to!"
"That's my son!"PyonUso protested.
Moony says,"We won't hurt him! We promise!"
PyonUso groaned in frustration,watching the others trying to stop his son from attacking.
"Stay away from my mommy!"DarkJii yelled,as he claws at everyone.
Tsuyoikuma asked,"How do we stop him without attacking?"
"I've got an idea."Ongakuteku stated.
He went to Saibojoo and whispered,"Can you still connect your phone to my speakers?"
She nods in response and gets out her cellphone. Then gets a signal from Ongakuteku's speakers from his chest.
"What now?"Saibojoo questioned.
Ongakuteku sweats,"I didn't think that far....."
"Your speakers can play music,right?"Hanatobu asks.
Tsuyoikuma says,"Isn't that what speakers are used for?"
Ongakuteku nods as Hanatobu whispers something to him. He whispered to Saibojoo,who plays a song from her cellphone. As DarkJii got close to them,a lullaby started playing from Ongakuteku's speakers.

DarkJii growls,"It's not my nap time!"
He tries to attack them,but the music got louder,which made him fall asleep. As they were about to grab him,Yurei attacks them from behind.
"Nyo one puts my baby to sleep but me!"Yurei hissed.
She picks DarkJii up and turns into her Shadowside form. They ran off to the others.She dashed towards them.
"It's your turn to take care of this!"Tsuyoikuma says.
Ongakuteku exclaims,"We tried!"
"Great......I didn't want to do this...but.....everyone,turn into your Shadowside forms!"Fuu2 demanded.
They follow his orders and do so. Fuu2 and Moony turn back into 2Ordinate and Moonchiri.
Yurei starts to punch them,but only hit Whisper.
"Really?! I'm your dad!"Whisper nags.
Yurei growled,"You're a traitor! All of you are traitors!"
"Calm down dear! We don't want to hurt you!"Fubuki-hime stated.
Yurei yelled,"You knocked my baby out!"
"We didn't even touch him!"2Ordinate sweated.
She hissed and attacked in response. Everyone tried to dodge her attacks,but fail,as she punched Shishikoma,Torajiro,Kontan,and Goldenyan.
"Hey! It's rude to hit a lady!"Kontan nagged.
Goldenyan stated,"She is a female as well,so it's a fair fight."
"Is it me.....or did she get stronger?"Torajiro was puzzled.
Shishikoma replied,"Her dark form must bring the best power from her."
"Even if she' know.....pregnant?"Torajiro said.
Shishikoma nods,"Protecting the ones you love makes you use all of your power,when you need it the most."
"Just don't fight her....."PyonUso warns.
2Ordinate asked,"What do you think we're doing? We're trying to avoid her!"
The ground shakes as Yurei stomps towards them,cracking her fists.They make a run for it,but she ran on all fours.
"She's too fast!"Mifu exclaims.
Junsei sweats,"She's catching up!"
As Yurei got to them,Muyobaka rushed behind her and punched her,which made her collapse to the ground.
"Jerry?! What did you do?!"Shanista gasped.
Tomnyan complains,"You weren't supposed to attack her!"
"We made a promise!"Nyanmajo said.

Muyobaka was in disbelief,"But I thought that's what you guys wanted me to do...."
"If we did,we would've told you to attack!"Moonchiri shouted.
2Ordinate nags,"You harmed my sister,you idiot!"
All of the sudden,Muyobaka heard loud stomping behind him,he turns to see PyonUso,giving him a death stare.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit her!"Muyobaka backs away.
PyonUso growled,"You all promised me that you wouldn't hurt my family......"
"It's not our fault! It was Jerry being a moron!"2Ordinate panicked.
PyonUso eyes glowed red,"Jibanyan was right,Emi should've never married this fool. Jerry will never be a part of this family."
Muyobaka teared up,after hearing that statement.
"That's why I'm going to kill you first."PyonUso growls at him.
He points his arm,that was now a gun,at Muyobaka. He didn't know what to do,but was pushed by Fuyunyan,missing the laser that came from PyonUso's gun.
"We have to fight!"Fuyunyan exclaims.
Moonchiri says,"But I thought we weren't supposed to."
"We never said we couldn't fight Usapyon."2Ordinate smirks and replied,"Let's beat some sense into this oversized otter."
2Ordinate and Moonchiri use their powers to attack PyonUso. He fights back but ends up punching Fuyunyan,who went flying to the ground.
"You're all traitors!" PyonUso nagged.
Shanista used her yarn from her hair to tie PyonUso up and throws him into Muyobaka's belt. He gets warped into the sky,fifty feet from the air and falls flat on his face.
"I think you took that too far....."Whisper sweats.
They hear a familiar voice,"You sure did....."
Yurei recovered from the previous battle and was ready to fight again.
"Calm down dear....."Fubuki-hime spoke up.
Yurei clinched her teeth,"Calm down?! That fatty tried to murder my husband!"
"I didn't mean to! My Shadowside form is unstable! I can't control my powers!"Muyobaka explained.
Tsuyoikuma replied,"If you don't believe him,my Shadowside form is unstable too."
"So is mine...."Hanatobu sighed.
Fuyunyan stated,"It's true,Yokai can receive unstable powers in their Shadowside forms,but it's very rare."
"That's still nyo excuse to kill my husband!"Yurei growls.

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