I. The prince.

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The story starts with little Y/N, and her mum buying groceries. Her dad was usually the one to take her out and what not, spend time with each other. Buy her food, or either toys but turns out the old man had extra work for today.. Now.. They weren't rich, but they weren't poor neither. They were just in the middle.

Y/Ns mother walks Y/n over to a counter, and places the basket down.

"Y/n dear.. be a good girl and just stay right here by the counter, guard the basket and remember. Don't talk to strangers."

Little Y/N nods at her mother, while she finishes her lollipop.
Her mother smiles and gives her a pat on the head before she goes off to get some more items.
The moment her mother leaves, Y/N was distracted by a man.
Well he didn't really look like a man in the child's eyes, he looked like a 'prince'

He had blue skin, a halo. And he had a mark on his face.

'Is this the men her mom meant to stay away? Why? Well they do look a bit scary, and all business looking.. but maybe he's a good guy.'
Little Y/N always wanted to be a 'princess', almost every man she meets she calls them a 'prince'.

Her dream was to marry one,
And live her little happy fantasy. With cakes and rainbows and what not.

She then remembers her mother's words..

"Sweetie.. you can't just go around telling people to marry you and their a Prince... that's not how things work.."

"But mommy... Aren't all men Princes?"

Her mother sighs, "sweetie not all men are princes, there are some bad guys out there pretending to be princes when their not. "

"S-so there's no real pwinces?"  The child pouted,
Not wanting the child's dream to be crushed she responded "n-no, no.. princes do exist! But it's hard to find a real prince.. a real prince is someone you deeply feel connected with.. real princes stay with you for a lifetime.. but it's not so easy to find a prince... you have to search for one.."

And just like that little Y/N gains the courage to walk over to the stranger.
Her little feet trying to keep up with the man who was about to leave the counter.

She tugs on the mans pants.

The man turns around and looks down, "Umm...Hello little one.. are you.. lost?"
Y/n shook her head. "Your not? Well.. what do you need?"

It took. Y/n a few seconds before she responds "mister pwease mawwy me!" She tries her hardest to speak with all her heart.

The man was stunned by her action,he chuckles 'I'm sorry sweetheart but.. I'm afraid your too young for marriage..'

Young Y/N frowns, "but! Your a prince! Yow my pwince! Shouldn't pwincesses and princes get mawwied?''

The man, stays still and gives her a warm smile, clearly he did not want to make the child cry so he makes a fake promise.

"Well dear.. like I said.. your too young.. maybe if you're old enough.. I'll tell you what.. I'll marry you when you grow up."

The man kneels down, holding the groceries in his other hand while raising his pinkie finger.
Little Y/n, finally smiles and also raises her pinkie up. "That's a promise!"

The two were interrupted by Y/Ns mother, "Y/n!! What did I say about talking to strangers! Did you know how worried I was when I found out you weren't in our counter anymore?"

"Sowwy mummy.. but I fownd my pwince!" Y/n points at The stranger.
"Sweetie.. we've talked about this.. please stop asking strangers to marry you.." she looks at the man to find out it was one of those 'country humans'

"I-iam terribly sorry for my daughters actions sir.." your mom said embarrassingly.
The man only chuckles. "It's quite alright madam.. " the man chuckles.

"Well off we go.. come on Y/n" Y/Ns mother grabs Y/Ns tiny hands, as they both walked back to their counter, she turns around and the so called 'prince' of hers disappears.

' I will fwind you again! '

Y/n shorts and wakes up, "ah gosh damn I fell asleep again.." growing she stretches, "and I haven't even finished half of my work.. I'm so screwed.."

I will marry you sir! (UN x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now