III. Fired

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" that was some gooood stuff back there... " You say with a pleased tone softly patting your stomach, " Thanks for treating me out japan. "  You both exit the cafe. You still wondered if you were ever gonna meet that man you were talking to earlier again. something about him was strange it was like you knew him before.

you look back for a split second just to check on him again.. he seems to be enjoying his meal, reading his paperwork. Maybe the guy was a business man? he seemed like one, you were about to zone out until japan spoke.

" Of course! always on the house for my best friend!" she pulls you in for a bear hug, "aww c'mere you!" You laughed and hug her back, but all of the sudden your phone buzzed through your pocket. "Hmm? i think you should pick that up (Y/N)-san" Japan looks down to your pocket.

you were ignoring the phone calls for a reason, probably just that asshole co-worker of yours trying to prank you again.

"I'll pick it up later... probably nothing important," You say and smiled.

"are you sure?.. its been ringing for like.. well since the moment we entered earlie-"

"oh hush hush.. like i said ill deal with it later, also what do you say we go shopping for a bit? its too early for us to end our hangout." you smirked.



*5:45 pm*

"Yeah, nothing important my ass! great job (Y/N)!" You groaned to see that you've been fired from your part-time job.  and swore more profanities under your breath

" Dear miss (L/N), we werent able to contact you so we decided to send the message via email.

were here to discuss about  your behavior last week. A fellow co-worker of yours informed us that you angrily yelled back at a customer who was politely asking for a refill, rather than being a responsible employee you decided to cause a scene. but dont just think we fired you just for this miss (L/N). one of your co-workers" 

you paused, "damn fucking janette's name is written all over it." you angrily continued to read.

"have reported to me about your behavior more than once and to top it off they also reported that you have broken multiple rules. and surely you know STRICTLY. that  we here at (insert restaurant name) have a  policy for blah blah blah blah, come on." you said mockingly.

"this has to be some messed up joke!!. OBVIOUSLY. This isn't what actually happened! the bastard yelled at me first he didn't even ask politely for the damn refill! all i did was talked back! it wasn't like i butchered the guy or something! " You angrily exclaimed, without thinking twice you removed the email. covering your face with both of your hands and groaned loudly.

" I Cant believe they believed the shit janette spouted from her mouth!"

You decided to contact japan and vent to her about what happened, it took her a while to pick up but oh well. " Oh kami-sama... " Japan muttered through the other side of the phone. "(Y/n)-chan this is the fifth time you've been fired! and this one has got to be the worst one ive heard of so far.."

" he was getting on my nerves! he was incredibly rude too! i know I should've kept my cool but the guy really struck a lot of nerves!! i only talked back!! also broke the rules? i completely never broke one!!" You exclaimed, raising your voice a bit.

"well except for raising my voice at a customer but like-- you get the point japan!! you know im not this horrible!"

"i know you wouldn't (y/n). but gosh those cows!! they'll pay for what they did!"

 you smiled softly.

 " at this point i might as well work as a garbage guy" you joked laughing softly, oh boy did japan not take that joke well.


"oh come on the job cant be that bad ill probably give it a tr-"

"NO NO NO!!"

"okay okay jeez,.. i was just kidding you know"

You lean back on your chair frustrated while pushing your front hair back, while letting out an irritated sigh. awkward silence filled the space until Japan finally spoke up.

" Oh! i know how about you work at that cafe from earlier (Y/n)-chan? " Japan suggested.

"I dunno about that Japan, probably might get kicked out again plbbtt-" you stuck your tongue out to nobody. "also i still feel irritated."

"stop being negative (y/n)-channnn you'll be fineeee"

"no i woooooont-"

the two continued to disagree for a solid 10 minutes before, y/n gave up.

"ughh fineeee... but i have to think about itt-" you say standing up from your seat, as you make your way to your bed. You plopped down on to the soft mattress. "what i-"

"horayyy!!! dont worry about the resume!!i shall help you tomorrow (L/n)!! sensei- japan is an expert an convincing people, huehue~" you could'nt see her, but you could tell she was grinning from ear to ear.. oh boy

"OI I HAVENT AGREED YET! i said ill think about!- I JUST GOT FIRED YOU KNOW!!-"

"yahaha!! well then ill see you tomorrow (Y/n)-chan!! i will help you get the job no matter what! 10:30 sounds like a good time yeah?"

"hold on, hold on!!  Japan listen to me first i havent fully agreed yet i know i sa- hello? HELLO??"

ah.. she cut you off before you could even continue.

"god damnn iittt JAPAAANNN!!"

A/N: might have some gramatical errors and stuff reaal sorry for not updating in a while lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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