chapter 1

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"Ms. Juvia! Please stop running in the hallways!" A tired and restless Marx called upon the young eight year old, Juvia Novachrono.

"No way! Having you chase me around is fun!" Juvia looked back, laughing at the man "Catch me if you can, Mushroom!"

And suddenly Marx was back in the corner he just turned to.

"Ms. Juvia! Please stop run– aleh? She used her magic again! What does the Wizard King think I am? A babysitter?"

Marx groaned, and slumped to the ground in defeat.

'she sure is powerful for an eight year old brat. Hard to believe she's not biologically related to Lord Julius. They even have resembling magic. '

Juvia turned around the corner, running while still looking back

Heh! That mushroom will never catch up on me!

She thought before she crashed into a person "Owie!" she cried out and then turned to glare at the person only to find her father, Julius Novachrono in the flesh.

"Papa!" she beamed at him, the man smiled and picked her up just as soon as Marx catched up to them.

"Ms. Juvi— L–lord Julius!" Marx greeted with a bow, still trying to catch his breath. Juvia hid her snort at the man. Julius smiled at Marx in acknowledgement.

"Juvia-chan..." Julius called making her shut up, she looked at her father and smiled "Yes, papa?" she asked innocently.

"Have you been giving Marx-kun trouble?" he asked, the child shook her head in denial much to Marx absolute look of disbelief. "No, I would never. Right, Marx-san?"

Marx shook his head "And now you address me properly—Lord Julius, sorry for the wording but your daughter has been a pain in the butt!"

"That's not even a curse word." Juvia interjected, Julius rose an eyebrow "And how have you known curse words?"

"The bull often says them." she answered innocently, Julius sighed "Ahh, Yami."

He then turned to Marx "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Marx-kun." he apologized.

“I would love to say it's no problem but that's not the case, not only does she keep running away, she kept using her magic to bring me back to that cursed corner! Lord Julius, I'm not a babysitter!” Marx ranted.

Juvia frowned when Marx finished.

Why did he have to tell papa that!

"Juvia... didn't I told you to not give Marx-kun any trouble?" Julius said, placing his daughter down and bending towards her level.

Juvia looked down on the ground "I know...but he does not want to play with me and I can't play with papa, because of the papers! Why did you have to be the Magic Emperor? I hate it!" the eight year old started crying.

"Juvia-chan... I'm sorry I can't play with you... The kingdom needs me." Julius apologized, feeling bad as his daughter started crying.

"But don't I need you too, papa?" She asked, Marx glaze soften while observing the two.

Julius hugged his daughter "I know, but that's why I am doing this, When I'm protecting the kingdom that means I can protect you too, that's why I can't stop."

"Protecting me? Why would you need to protect the kingdom, papa?" the girl innocently asks.

"From the bad guys and people who wants to hurt the kingdom. And because everyone in this kingdom is my precious people."

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