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Steffan managed to piss me off that early in the morning by cutting me off each time I tried to speak. He was not in control, at all.

"Whitney!" I heard someone yell as I was walking outside.

I turned around to see Bobby. Shit.


"Aye, let me talk to you."

"About what? There's nothing to talk about Bobby. It's over."

"It ain't over until I say it's over. Now as I said, let's go talk."

"Bobby, get on. I'm not doing this with you! You did this shit, it's your fault. Blame yourself, I'm talking with my lawyer later today. Is your shit out my house? I wasn't playing around." I snapped.

"Baby it was just one mistake-"

"One mistake? Just like the last couple of times? And I'm supposed to magically take you back? Go to hell. One mistake too many. This is my last time telling you, get your shit and get out!" I yelled.

"I didn't need you anyways." He said as he walked away.

I just shook my head as I walked to the car.

"Where are we going?" James, my driver asked.

"I need to go to the courthouse, I'll reschedule my studio session for later." I said as I put on my seatbelt. "Thank you."

As James began driving, I took this time to think. Bobby and I were definitely over and even though Steffan pissed me off, I wanted him. So bad.

With his sons birthday coming up, I wanted to do something for him. I wasn't sure what to do, but just something to let him know that I love him.

"James, you know Steffan?"

"Yes ma'am. He's a nice kid."

"Yeah, he is. Do you know anything else about him?"

"Just him being from Cali and going to the military. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Have Silvia get his mother's number by the end of the day for me, I'd like to speak to her."

"Yes ma'am." James said as we pulled up to the courthouse.

Tevin was directly beside me the whole drive, I thanked him as he let me out the car & escorted me inside.

"Mrs. Brown, what a pleasure to see you here. How may I assist?" The receptionist asked.

"Is Jane in today?"

"Yes ma'am! You can go right up!"

"Thank you." I glanced at Tevin as he led the way.

There wasn't much people in the waiting room, and many didn't notice me since it was just Tevin and I.

I knocked on Jane's door. "Come in" She said. I entered as Tevin stayed at the door.

"Whitney? So good to see you!" She got up and we hugged.

"A pleasure to see you too, I just wish it was under different circumstances." My eyes began to water.

"Oh no, what do you need?"

"Divorce papers." I said before I broke down.


Maria got called home early due to a family emergency which left me with Bobbi.

I sat on the couch in my room and watched TV as Bobbi laid on my chest.

I missed being a father, so bad. It was as if Bobbi was my own. The way we've bonded so quick, it's like it was meant to be.

Bobbi began babbling nonsense.

"Is that so?" I laughed. I gently placed a small kiss onto her forehead. She smiled so big, such a happy baby.

As she settled down and fell asleep, I decided to do the same. Hopefully Whitney and I could talk whenever she came back, I could have handled the situation differently.

-3 hours later-

"Steffan." Whitney said.

I opened my eyes and saw her standing over me. Bobbi was no longer on my chest, I looked around and sat up as I got scared.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Bobbi.. she was just on my chest. Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Shh. Bobbi is fine, I put her in her crib. That girl can sleep like she works chile."

"Oh, whew." I said as I laid back down.

"Can we talk?" She gently tapped my leg before she sat onto the couch.

I sat back up and faced her. "Go ahead."

"Steffan, I want you to know that I have feelings for you as well. I wasn't using you to get back at Bobby, I could never do that. I'm not that evil. The love you show Krissi and I, is what I have been craving ever since she's been born. Bobby and I have been through enough and I simply can't do that anymore. That's why I went down to the courthouse and got divorce papers. It's over between him and I, I've already signed it. He's moving his things out before the end of the week, it'll just be me and Bobbi. Unless you want to be included too. I love you Steffan, and I really want to be with you maybe not anytime soon but just know that I do. I want to grow with you. My heart is telling me that you are who I love."

"You went and got divorce papers?"


"You really want to be with me huh?"

"Yes, I do. Do you feel the same way?"

"Of course I do." I smiled.

"I'm so glad you feel the same." She smirked as she made her way onto my lap.

"Now.." She slowly began to unbutton her shirt. "You were really rude to me this morning."

"You're right.. I'm sorry."

She let her shirt fall off of her body slowly. "I think you should apologize a different way, maybe that'll work."


"Yes.. You went off on me this morning and I didn't quiet like that." She said before she leaned in and began kissing on my neck.

"Well let me make it up to you, Nippy." I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. I then carried her to the bed and laid her down gently.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her as I helped her undress. So beautiful.

"You gonna apologize or stare at me like some obsessed fan?" She snapped.

"My bad, you're just so stunning." I said before I leaned down and connected our lips.

She gripped the back of my head as the kiss intensified, I used my hands and began to pull her pants and underwear off.

She slowly removed her hand and began undressing me. Boy was she rough, she was practically clawing at me.

"Calm down, I'm not going no where." I smiled.

"Shut up and make love to me." She panted.

I did as I was told and pinned her to the bed. I began to kiss down her body as her breathing hitched. I ran my hand down to her opening which was soaking wet.

"Fuck" She parted her lips to say. All I did was touch her, yikes.

I slowly licked my lips then leaned in and began to pleasure her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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