Chapter 4. Imprinting

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With tender nude colored skin unhinged by clothes, but having large patches of scale like patterns on the parts that proved she was indeed a woman, almost like a tight fitting costume, with black long hair that fell in waves until it reached the ground behind her, and an elegant straight posture... an ethereal beauty was still not enough to describe her appearance.

But, although her body looked with about 90 percent similarity or even more to the appearance of a woman, her face betrayed her alien ancestry.

The pointy ears that rested on the sides of her head were nothing like a human's ones. Her closed eyes, which at a first glance would have fooled you into thinking she was in fact an earthling, had eyelashes which, although were quite small at the inner corner of her eyes, grew bigger as they reached the outer corner elongating themselves until they surpassed the edges of her small face, having a swallow tail butterfly's appearance.

Her round cheeks had no sign of even a small blush as though no blood passed through her body. Her small nose along her heart shaped mouth were the only ones which could make one mistake her for an ordinary human. But protruding a bit the rose inked lips were large black canines similar to a tarantula's fangs.

These facts coupled with the thumb sized black crystal that seemed embedded between her eyebrows and the tender soft skin littered with small patches of scales... the woman, if you could call her as such, was indeed not of this planet.

"Woah... how beautiful!" The researcher exclaimed, and seeing that the woman did not move after she had exited the cocoon, tried to get closer to her. At this point, the general had given up on him, and to save his own skin had in his fright separated from the younger man, walking slowly backwards. He did not even dare say more to the researcher, frightened that he would redirect the attention of the being towards himself.

If the researcher was stupid and did not know any better, then indeed it was not his fault that he did not manage to protect him, the older man thought.

At this point, the researcher could really be blamed, as he was in actual fact slowly approaching the female, with total disregard for his safety.

Still having her eyes closed, the slender and small woman, did not seemed threatened by the people surrounding her cocoon and the man who was coming near her. She was only standing still just outside the pupa, which had already begun disintegrating into air.

The only movements coming from her were the small vibration of her vocal cords that could be noticed by observing the slightly moving skin in front of her neck that could barely be seen with the naked eye, and the rattling sound those vibration made.

"Hello!" The young man slowly said, entranced by her beauty, hoping he could get a reply. If the alien was born on Earth, and with a similar appearance to humans, perhaps alien life forms were trying to contact them and establish connections with them, so he could possibly even converse with her using human language, he deduced.

Contrary to his expectations, the woman did not reply, and only slowly moved her head from side to side, as if searching for something. But still she kept her eyes closed, even while seemingly examining, if he could call her movements that.

By this point, the general was cursing the researcher inside his mind, because even though he could not save him if something were to happen, he also could not order the soldiers to fire, and accidently cause the young man's death.

On the other hand, the researcher's mind hadn't the slightest of fears, he was also unaffected by the lack of reply from the woman, and in fact it only made him bolder because her lack of movements in his eyes made her seem harmless. So he approached her even more, with slow steps to not frighten her.

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