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a couple days had passed since the 'midnight confrontation' that jean and i promised never to talk about again

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a couple days had passed since the 'midnight confrontation' that jean and i promised never to talk about again. it would ruin our rebellious-like image that we so enjoyed having.

and each day that passed, each night that set above us, i would spend my time burying myself in my thoughts, debating on how i should bring up the love word.

it still felt pretty weird thinking about it; how i fell in love with mikasa. but there aren't any other words that can describe what i'm feeling.

this urge to give her affection, attention; this passionate feeling to make her smile..

burning sensations fly around my heart when i'm around her. butterflys fill my stomach when she glides her thin fingers along my shoulder, just before going in for a peck on the lips.

love, huh.

even when our relationship was a mere friendship, i couldn't control the immediate serotonin i received from her presence; her voice; her touch.

that touch..

i simply melted into it.

some of the scouts- including me- decided to take a trip to one of the farms, in hopes we could find something entertaining to attain to.

in all honesty, i just wanted to check up on the horses- make sure they were being fed properly.

turns out they were being fed more then enough, but the mess they've created was so marvelous, i couldn't help but let let out a shocked gasp.

hay straws filled the place, including the animals.

their multi colored tails had straws of hay blending with their hair, that beautiful fur that glistened in the natural light had piles of silage covering it up.

"you guys are so dirty."

one by one, i opened the squeaky, rusted gates that blocked the animals from leaving the building, letting them roam free.

many of them galloped outside, running around in the open field with joy; joy that they were finally free of the shackles they felt were on them.

i giggled a bit at their childish play. it was so beautiful; how their various colored fur flew in the wind, some of the dirt on them falling off from such harsh movement.

i scanned the barn thoroughly, trying to find the specific brush to fully clean the glorious animals.

before i could search any farther, i found something way more interesting then a brush.

the love of my life.

she stood outside of the outbuilding, leaning against the entrance frame. her pale skin was suddenly sun kissed lightly by the setting sun.

i gazed at her beautiful complexion, her gorgeous smile that appeared every now and then while she watched the chargers enjoy the cordial weather.

forgetting about my initial goal, i take a few steps towards her, silently praising the calm, collective girl.

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