Aniciating the plan

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Zonique POV

My plan has to go perfect nothing to go wrong .

I 'm in the mall picking out a bikini and some lingerae with baby doll

Baby doll: which one r u gonna have

Me: Craig duh

Baby doll: u sure this gon' work

Me:I 've never been more positive

Myeisha POV :

I hear the baby crying

Me: daddy pull out please

Craig pulls out, he gets off me.

Craig POV

Myeisha gets off the couch I starts buckling up my pants ,I slap her but as she goes upstairs .

I get a text I look through my phone starting ova right so I delete all the messages off my phone from angel .
I look at the pics I delete all the photos of her naked .

I look at my text it's from roc

Roc: pool party tomorrow

Craig : no thanks

Roc: o come on

Craig: come on nothin'

Roc: fine lets just go out to eat tomorrow I'll drive and pay

Craig: if ur sure

Roc: I'm sure


I called zonique

It worked he actually believed me

Nique: hello

Roc: hey

Nique: wassup

Roc: I tricked Craig he's coming

Nique: see u tomorrow

I hung up

The next day

Myeisha POV

I get a call from destiny


Destiny:hey(crying in the back ground )

Me: what's wrong ?

Destiny:-I sit up in the bed - roc waz fucking ray's girl and we even not back I together

Me: r u kidding me?

Destiny: I wish I was I can't do this anymore it's either we together or not together make up ur damn mind

Me: calm down

Destiny: okay I will

Me: u good

Destiny: I'll be fine

Hangs up

I hope she will be alright

I go in the baby's room she's still asleep

I head downstairs only to see Craig asleep on the couch he looks so cute when he's sleep

I get on top of him kissing his face to wake him up

He moves his face and sneaks a peak at me with one of his eyes

He puts his hands round my waist as he opens his eyes all the way looking me in my eyes he smirks

Me: well enough of that -I try and get off him but he hands his hands around my waist tighter -

Me:stop Craig - I try and get off him again, he flips me ova and now he's on top of me between my legs -

Stroking his thing up against me ,he starts unbuckling his pants

I slide out from under him, and go to the kitchen . I start making breakfast
Craig gets up and stands grabbing my hips and starts humping me .

I try and move his hands but he puts his hands back up there.

Me:-laughing- Craig stop

Craig: bae what''s my name? -he starts humping me harder-

Me: no bae stop - moans-

Craig: i'll stop when u say my name -keeps going-

Me: daddy-moaning-

Craig keeps going

Me:u said u would stop if I said ur name

Craig: o right -stops and leans against the counter behind me-

Craig: I got carried away

Me:-laughs - u horny or nah

Craig: yea so u should lemme hit it

Me: -focusing on the eggs - I already did yesterday

Craig: yea that was great

Me:- picks the pan up and dish out the bacon eggs and pancakes putting the pan to soak in the sink I go to the fridge and get orange juice and pour two glasses . I turn around to put it on the counter when Craig is just staring at me

Me: what are u staring at

Craig : that ass -spins me around -that keeps getting fatter and fatter each time I see it

I grab my plate to sit down

Craig: so what are u doing today ?

Me:nothin' much taking care of the baby

Craig: oh

Me : wbu ( what about u )

Craig: I'm going out to eat at some place might spend the night at roc's

Me: o

Craig: so where does this leave us ?

Will myeisha deny that she's doesn't want to be in a relationship with Craig?

Find out how's destiny doing

Will ray find out about zonique using and cheating on him?

What will Craig do when he finds out that he's not going to the restarant and back to roc's house?

Find out that and more

P.s I'm going to start another book it's going to be called rob, steal , and kill a mindless behavior story starring you

I came up with the idea in civic's class

I 'll upload the first chapter this weekend

Don't forget to comment letting me know if there should be a sequel !!!!!

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