Chapter 2

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At the thought of letting Yibo go, Zhan felt his chest tighten, he felt a knot in his throat that he could not swallow. He tried his best to bring his emotions under control but in the end, the tears poured freely down his face. Zhan spent the next few days by himself. Yibo on the other hand wasn't any better. Every day, he left a message for Zhan, hoping he would see it whenever he turned his phone on. He wasn't supposed to move around because of the lockdown but he found an excuse every day to drive past Zhan's house, hoping to get a glimpse of him.

Zhan put on his phone a week later and received a lot of messages, mostly from Yibo. He didn't feel like reading them at the moment. He wanted to know the situation at the hospital and how Ziyi was doing. He put a call across to the hospital and was told she had been placed on oxygen support, often drifting in and out of consciousness. A few others had recovered and they were not short of man power. They had things under control. This helped to put Zhan's mind at peace. Zhan noticed the symptoms he was having were gradually fading away. He was about to turn his phone back off when it started to ring.

The name 'Yibo' was displayed boldly on his screen. He didn't know whether to pick up or not. He had made up his mind to end the relationship but he didn't want to do it over the phone. He let the phone ring out and turned it off immediately after.

A week later, Zhan had his sample taken and his results came back negative. His first instinct was to rush back to work but he felt there was no need delaying with Yibo any longer. He had to get the break up over and done with.

"Sweetheart! How have you been. How are you feeling? Where are you?", Yibo bombarded him with one question after another when he put a call across.

'I'm fine, I feel fine and I'm home. My results came out negative", Zhan didn't realize he was smiling as he spoke. Hearing Yibo's voice had immediately uplifted his depressed spirit.

"I'm coming over now".


After the call ended, Zhan realized that.... breaking up with Yibo might be harder than he thought. He had spent the last 2 weeks trying to prepare himself for today. Only one phone call and he had almost forgotten how sad he had been. For a moment, he considered not breaking up with Yibo but he felt it was unfair, it was better to let him go.


Yibo arrived in less than an hour. He was wearing purple hooded shirt and a pair of black trousers. He looked dazzling as usual. As soon as Zhan opened the door, Yibo didn't allow him speak and pulled him into a deep kiss. Zhan tried to evade but Yibo was unwilling to let him go. Zhan gathered up some courage and shoved him away.

"Sweetheart, I've missed you. Please don't push me away" Yibo pleaded as he pulled Zhan back into a hug.

Zhan could feel his heart breaking. He knew he still loved Yibo but he didn't want to hold him back. Yibo would soon realize he didn't love him anymore, what would he do then? It was better to end things now.

"Yibo, we should talk. Sit down".

"You want to break up with me, right? That's fine but I want us to talk things over before you do". Yibo sat down and motioned for Zhan to sit, "Why are you breaking up with me?"

Zhan was taken aback. Yibo had figured him out. Does this mean he had been obvious? "Yibo, I love you a lot, I really do..."

"You don't break up with people you love. You fight for them, you stay with them". Yibo was smiling but he was in pain. He had long seen this coming but he hoped he could do something to change Zhan's mind. "Let me guess, I was being distant and you felt I...I didn't love you anymore?"

Yibo was indeed smart. "That's not exactly it Yibo. I feel we both want different things right now. I feel I'm holding you back, stopping you from doing the things you really want to do. I never stopped loving you but I feel letting you go would be the best for you".

"Best for me? Zhan, do you even know what I want? You claim we both want different things. What exactly do you think I want?"

"...", Zhan had never actually thought about this.

"I just wanted to be an actor, play roles in some movies and earn a living, nothing more. When I met you, I started to want a bit more". He moved to sit next to Zhan and held his hands, wrapping his own around them.

"I still love my job but I love you even more. I want to be with you, I want to make plans with you, I want a home with you. Zhan, I want a future with you. I want a life with you. If I have to choose between you or my career, I would not give you up". Yibo's voice was shaking slightly as he spoke.

"I understand how you may feel. You have doubts in me, this was all caused by my actions but I promise you, I love you... if you leave me, I would be hurt and I know you would also be hurt. We may want different things but that's totally normal. We are different people after all". He took a deep breath and continued, "Now tell me, what do you want?"

"Yibo...I...", Zhan didn't know how to continue. It seems what they both wanted weren't so different in the end.

"I'm listening. You think I'm going to allow you break up with me just like that? You have to convince me that you no longer want to be with me. From what I understand, you think your feelings are not being reciprocated. I really was very busy. I intend to take my time in explaining every single detail to you. I never stopped caring. Your messages kept me going. I felt empty when I stopped getting them".

"I'm sorry I made you worry. I'm here now. Just say the word, whatever you want, I'd do it".

Zhan could see the sincerity in his eyes. It really was hard for him to break up with Yibo. Now Yibo was here, offering him everything he ever wanted. He really couldn't hold back his feelings.

"I...I want you be with me"


"I understand you can get occupied...but it would be nice if you made out some time to talk with me often"


"And...I may want settle down in the near future, in maybe 5 or 6..."

"5 or 6 months? That's fine. I can work something out".

"No Yibo, 5 or 6 years. You're still too young to think about getting married now"

"Who says I'm too young?"

They both argued for a long time about things like; when it would be best for them to get married, where they would settle down, how many kids they would have...

That night, Yibo was happy to have Zhan's long legs wrapped around him and Zhan was satisfied having Yibo fill him up completely. Zhan was glad Yibo did not give up on them. The last few months had been physically and emotionally draining but right now, as he lay down with his head on Yibo's chest listening to his heartbeat as he slept, Zhan could feel all of his worries fade away.

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