•chapter 1•

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•in this world full of alphas,beta and omegas alpha's are the strongest pack they make up to 18% of the worlds population and beta's they made up to 70%of the worlds population and the most rarest one's, omega most of omega's are girls its rare enough to find one and its even rare if you find a male omega

•αlpha are the one's who can make babies they are  the most powerful
•beta can also make babies but its very rare if there even pregnant
•omega can produce babies they are ussualy seen as just baby banks for alpha's and beta

All that you just read are some bullshit crap from me :)

Im a secretary for a sucsessful company called kim corp im an omega which is scary since alpha's are always going try to use my body its kind of exausting working here i have two bestfriends called jimin and jungkook we met at highshcool and are still friends to this day i live in a apartment close to the office i've been expeirence a lot of dizzines lately probably because of mr.kims hourmounes always coming out Even though im on medication i can still smell them ugh! I have to get ready for work i got out of bed and went to tge bathroom and did my buiniess (i think i spelled that wrong) i got to my closet
•jin~ hmm what should i wear

^ what jin is wearing

•Namjoon p.o.v
Im the CEO of the kim corp. Im an dominant alpha everywhere i go everyone fear me and i like that way im never ever going to be intrested on a relationship with anyone its usualy  temporary i have two best buds hoseok and yoongi we both met at a bar and we started hanging out since i live in a a mansion

Butler charles
•sir you have to wake up you have a meeting

•yeah yeah i'll get ready get out

Butler charles
•yes sir

I got up took a shower and get dressed

Eh good enough i got to my garage and decided i'll take my tesla with me i drive to my company i went inside every of my employess greet me i go inside to find my secretary allready waiting for me

•no one p.o.v
Jin said "good morning kim" namjoon just nod and sit in his chair "what is my schedulue for today?" "today you have to have a meeting with the CEO of the gicchi to discuss abaout the cover magazine and sign some papers and tonight you have a party" namjoon said "do you have any aplications for one of my hookups?" jin give's them and said" yes mr.kim, we have lisa,mina,jennie,wendy. What would you want sir? Jin asked "schedule me a room for me and wendy" "yes sir..." jin exit the room then his body started to heat up

jin p.o.v

Am i in HEAT?! oh no i have to find a restroom quick before someone smells my scent i ran to the nearest restroom and quickly locked it to makr sure no one can get in my body is burning i forgot to take my meds with me what should i do? I cant just be here i have to work i then realised there's a bulge in my pants (😏) i have no choice other then have to call jimin this going to be akward.. I pull out my phone and dial in jimins number i called him come on jimin pick upp "hello?" jimin can you please go to where i work and get my meds for me?! please jimine its urgent!!!" "what's wrong hyung?" "jimin i know this is kind of akward but im in heat and i forgot to take my meds can you plese come here and give them to me" "fine hyung i'll be there in 20 minutes" " thanks jimin" and he hanged up tge phone but now what am i suposed to do in this bathroom

Jimin p.o.v

Hyung wants me to get his meds for him hmm i remember that hyung worked at ****** guess i have to go there i went to my car and drive there with his meds in the plasric bag that im holding when i went out tge company was HUGE it looked really fancy "woah i never thought that hyung worked like a place like this" i mumured to my self i went in and saw a nice middle age old lady in a desk so went up to her and said "exuse ma'am do you know where kim seokjin floor is im looking to find him"the old lady smiled at me and said"kim seokjin ah yes you'll find him on the 14th floor" i bowed at her and said thank you and i leave i notice there is a elavator i went inside i pressed the button i exited the elavator i was about to call him where he is when someone accidently bumped in to me

You'll find out who is that "someone" is in chapter 2 😉 this is all i kind write see you on the next update :D

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