Chapter 20

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Jungkook's pov

I see Y/n slowly moving her eyes. I stand up and call the doctor.

"She seems fine. Don't make her talk much."

I nod. She has been unconscious for 4 days. Taehyung Hyung came everyday to see Y/n and would sit far away from her and observe her.

We tried talking to him to go and sit beside Y/n but he denies it. He was so afraid he will hurt Y/n again.

Y/n open her beautiful grey eyes and look at me. I smile at her.


I was shocked when she asked me about Taehyung Hyung.

"Don't talk much , Y/n. Take rest."

"Where is he ?"

I sigh -"He is back at Leo."

"Where am I ?"

"Capricorn. You have been unconscious for 4 days. We didn't say this to Yoongi hyung and your parents. So we took you here instead."

She nod.

"Jisoo is here . If you want I can call her."

She shook her head. I thought she might need a girl to help her wash herself. So I had already told the maids and Jisoo to be with her.

"When is he coming ?"

I didn't know what to say. I already send him a message to Leo saying Y/n woke up. So he won't be coming here anymore.

"I don't know , Y/n."

She chuckled softly with tears in her eyes.

"He left me didn't he ?"


"It's fine. I understand , he is just afraid he will hurt me more. When the truth is he has nothing to do with this."

"Y/n-aah , when Melissa died she took the arrow for him and us. She died right infront of him. That's why he didn't even come inside the palace to take you , afraid he might see something like that. He sent Jimin to you instead."

"When did he come last ?"

"Today morning ."

She close her eyes and tears flow down her cheeks. I wipe it with my thumb.

"Don't cry , Y/n. We will make it right again."

She look at me smile.

"Thank you for being with me."

"No need to thank me. I have always loved you , Y/n. You attracted me towards you. I never felt this with your sister. "

She look at me sadly.

"I know , you love me as a friend , Y/n. Just remember I will be always there for you."

She nod and gesture me to come closer. I went closer to her and she peck my cheek softly.

It was heavenly. I grin to her. Slowly she drift off to sleep again.

Jimin came in running .

"She just slept again."

Jimin catch his breath -" Shit. I came running as soon as I got the news. I was downstairs with Hoseok hyung. He is leaving."

"Yoongi hyung ?"

"I told Yoongi hyung that we are staying here for a few more days. He believed us . He is somewhat busy with his wife now."

I nod.

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